View Full Version : DVC 12 - Go Change! - Jesse Steele

Jesse Steele
March 10th, 2008, 12:31 AM
this is a story that every dad and his teenage daughter go through...this dad is just a bit more clever is all

the lighting and shoot and edit all worked out perfectly for me and that lead actress is top notch material! She is a natural!

Hope you all like it

Jim Montgomery
March 10th, 2008, 09:21 AM

What are the odds that two movies would paralell each othe so closely. Have you been sneaking in my house? The gag with the recorder was a classic.


Robert Martens
March 10th, 2008, 03:14 PM
Oh God, this one was great! Caught me completely off guard. I might have dropped one or two of the stair descents, and maybe had the daughter get a bit more frenzied when throwing the clothes out of the closet, but the punchline more than makes up for any of that. "Yeah, that's good." And then the little soundbite from the boyfriend? Superb, and all three actors did brilliant work, they sounded extremely comfortable with their dialogue.

I wish I had more substantial feedback to provide, but you knocked this one out of the park. Good show!

Jesse Steele
March 10th, 2008, 04:08 PM
Ya Jim!! I guess 2 great minds think alike!!! at least our endings were different?

thanks for the compliment!
Best of luck to you!

Jesse Steele
March 10th, 2008, 04:13 PM
Robert thank you! Ya the actors were so professional! It only took 1 to 2 takes on every shot! Mostly the extra take was to try a different line of dialog just in case. I couldn't praise them enough!

I agree I should have pulled a few of the stair shots. When I was editing I just couldn't bring myself to do it! She picked out such good outfits! hahaha

thanks for the input! Best of luck to you

Alex Chamberlain
March 10th, 2008, 09:20 PM
Your camera work was really good on this one and the editing flowed well. I second Robert in that I felt there were too many trips up and down the stairs. I felt like the idea had already been driven home there. Having said that, one thing this piece does exceptionally well is to communicate its point and bring you to the punchline with all the pieces in place. Well done!

Lorinda Norton
March 10th, 2008, 11:48 PM
I am sooooo glad I had a boy instead of a girl! All that phone chatter at the beginning nearly drove me nuts! But it was great for the movie.

As others have mentioned your actors all did really well. I loved the smoldering look in that cute girl’s eyes when she looked at the tape recorder; I could practically smell the smoke curling out the top of her head. And the last scene with her dad was wonderful.

Did you give us an audio hint at 2:10? I completely ignored it until the third time I watched it.

Nice, nice job with the story, camera work, editing--all that stuff, Jesse. A good, fun movie. :)

David Cummings
March 11th, 2008, 10:51 PM
funny stuff! I really like the little audio hint in the middle. at first I kind of questioned why she would even go back up the stairs without her father there in person to disaprove of her clothes, but I quickly let it go as its not really even that important anyway. the point is that it was funny. great work!

Lee Stokes
March 12th, 2008, 02:36 PM
The lead girl in your piece is very good. I smiled throughout.


Hugh DiMauro
March 12th, 2008, 09:32 PM

I am glad I had NO KIDS! I liked the pacing and your actress pulled it off well by herself. She was good enough to carry the entire production. Technically, this was sharp. Your shots were well thought out, nicely exposed and the pacing moved it along to where I was nto bored. I wasn't bothered by the amount of clothes changes because I enjoyed watching her exasperation escalate. Oh, and two thumbs up on the ending. Nice touch. Thank you for such a lighthearted entry.

Jesse Steele
March 15th, 2008, 03:21 PM
Thank you so much for your kind words. I know she will appreciate them! This was a very fun piece to do and the actors were fantastic! I finally was able to post a better quality version of this up on my website. if anyone wants to check it out

Josh Chesarek
March 15th, 2008, 05:31 PM
Personally I could have had less "ditzy" chatter at the beginning but that is a personal pet peeve. Other than that though once it got going I instantly was taken back to when that type of thing happened to friends and such. Very well shot and the pacing was nice. Good job. The ending with the Tape recorder was great, as well as the dads final real answer.

Joseph Tran
March 16th, 2008, 10:38 PM
What a great story! I think the editing could be tighter (probably simply fixed by eliminating a trip or two of the stairs, as others have mentioned). Aside from that, this is a very memorable piece. Thanks for the fun!

Tor-Atle Kindsbekken
March 17th, 2008, 12:43 AM
Well... what can I say? This is so professional in every level that it takes my breath away. I guss everything has been said already... and I sure agree with every single comment in this thread... But I will also add that the music also is extreemly well picked. What in the world could possibly fit better to this story than "diamonds are a girls best friend"? Nothing! EXCELLENT. I love this one ;-)

Jesse Steele
March 17th, 2008, 04:08 PM
Thank you very much! I sure appreciate that! Funny story on the song. The actresses mother and I do musical theater and we had been going through an accompaniment CD a few weeks prior. That is where I got the song. When I was editing my piece together I decided to just throw a song on so it wasn't silent while I was editing and the first one I grabbed was perfect!

Thanks for the kind words