View Full Version : camera bag gear top 5
Dylan Couper July 6th, 2003, 09:52 AM Just conducting a little poll here people.
We have talked about camera bag contents before, but if you could only have 5 things in your camera bag, in order of importance, what would they be?
K. Forman July 6th, 2003, 09:59 AM 1-Batteries
and- Tequilla, for those shoots that just go wrong!
Bryan Beasleigh July 6th, 2003, 10:00 AM Spare battery
extra tape
head cleaning tape
Microfiber cloth
leatherman wave
John Locke July 6th, 2003, 10:02 AM err...Keith, Bryan...what about the camera?
Dylan...I think you're going to find just about everyone's list will be the same:
...and ditto on the Tequila...the little airport size bottles.
K. Forman July 6th, 2003, 10:02 AM What is a leatherman wave?
K. Forman July 6th, 2003, 10:03 AM John- If you forget the camera, you're in the wrong business!
Rob Wilson July 6th, 2003, 10:32 AM The Wave it the single most useful multi tool I've found. Don't go anywhere without it (at least not on purpose). One exception is onboard a airplane. They will take it away since it is also a knife.
K. Forman July 6th, 2003, 10:48 AM a multi-tool... gotcha!
As for what I have in my bag-
box of tapes
5 batteries
3 filters
2 chargers, one with car adapter
handful of 1/4" to mini stereo adapters
handful of mini stereo to 1/4" adapters
3-4 1/4" to XLR adapters, male and female
Audio Technica shotgun mic
Azden wireless lavs with reciever
several AA and 9 volt batteries for mics and reciever
screwdrivers, pliers, hemostat
mini maglight
electrical repair kit
15' extension cord with surge protector
2 outlet dimmer switch
12x20 white foamcore board
2 rolls gaffers tape
A/V wires
2 6' 1/4 wires
camera/lens cleaning kit
my tripod and monopod strap to the outside
and room for 1 pint or 1 5th of tequilla. Airplane bottles don't cut it :)
Rob Wilson July 6th, 2003, 11:07 AM Wow Keith, hope that bag has wheels on it!
K. Forman July 6th, 2003, 11:23 AM And a handle to pull it :)
Dylan Couper July 6th, 2003, 11:46 AM <<<-- Originally posted by John Locke : err...Keith, Bryan...what about the camera?
Dylan...I think you're going to find just about everyone's list will be the same:
There's method to my madness... I'm curious to see what people are most likely to sacrifice. I should have given the tape and batteries as feebies though.
And the camera itself is not included in the 5 items. That's a freebie too. :)
So changing the rules a little:
Bryan Beasleigh July 6th, 2003, 12:09 PM OK
revised list Camera, mic, tape and battery included.
head cleaning tape
Microfiber cloth
leatherman wave
squeeze bulb (air)
cable ties (velcro)
Mark Moore July 6th, 2003, 12:21 PM As I teach myself more about this business, I now have TWO cases - one for the cam and major accessories and one (a refitted tool box) for the minor accessories! My list:
[cam, tape, batteries are freebies]
Quick releases for all tripods/monopods
Extra AAA batteries for shotgun mics
Lens cleaning paraphenalia
Battery charger/ac adapter (if not included as freebie)
Head cleaning tape
Multi-tool (aka: leatherman - yeah, I know - six things)
And what's this about tequilla? Am I the only bourbon fan here? Though with my current diabetic meds, I have more full bottles than empties now-a-days! Now I tend to drink that calorie free FRUIT 2 GO water. Grape is the best!
Brian Wood July 6th, 2003, 12:31 PM I would have to say...
shotgun mic
wireless handheld
my random bunches of cords
and business cards...theres never a bad time for publicity
and about the tequilla thing, being 17 i'm slightly too young so i'll stick with my sprite :)
K. Forman July 6th, 2003, 12:53 PM 17? That's when I leaned about Tequilla! However (In a responsible adult voice), I agree minors should not drink! They should leave it for the adults :)
Mark- Bourbon is for "happy, relaxed times". Tequilla is for really good "party time", or really bad "want to forget about the day times".
I also had two bags, one for cam, filters, tapes, batts, and one for everything else. But since I got rid of the XL1 and some other stuff, everything fits in my rolling box. Top box for cam, mics, other small stuff. Bottom box hold headphones, gaffers tape, extension cord, stuff like that. $30 at Walmart. Less stuff to shuffle around :)
And business cards ALWAYS go in the shirt pocket where they are easy to reach :)
Mark Moore July 6th, 2003, 01:15 PM I learned about tequilla and bourbon in the Boy Scouts (sorry, no merit badge, but I deserved one!). And ditto on the adult responsible voice. I never could get used to the taste of tequilla. Bourbon is my 'any time' drink (or used to be)!
I bought a very nice-sized tool box at TARGET for $14.99 (on sale, discontinued). I lined the bottom in foam, cutting out several pockets and put filters and other fragiles there. The top tray holds cables, batteries, etc. I was having a lot of trouble cramming everything in the hard case with the GL1!
Jesper Hallen July 8th, 2003, 11:41 AM don't forget a first aid kid if your camcorder is hot! =)
Ed Smith July 8th, 2003, 12:44 PM In my TOOL BOX,
1p/ 2p Coins - always come in handy when unscrewing the shoulder pad and replacing with MA 200
Various adapters - Scart, BNC, Jacks etc
Filters - Cokin
Small Headphones
Cables - S-video, Phono, Mic Jack cables etc.
The camera go's in its own hardcase.
Ed Smith