View Full Version : what to do?

Jeremiah McLamb
March 8th, 2008, 11:39 AM
I offer a small package that doesn't include preceremony coverage. So while I'm setting up I see the photog off snapping awesome preceremony pics of bride and groom. It makes me feel bad that I'm not shooting that stuff...but its not in the package they bought. What would you guys do? Just stick to what the bride and groom purchased...or go and shoot prestuff anyway?


Dave Blackhurst
March 8th, 2008, 02:11 PM
One option discussed a while back is to shoot anyway - that's my feeling, you're there, shoot it, have it in the can, and let them know it's not part of the package, but they can "add/upgrade" it later. Oftentimes budgets are tight pre-wedding, and sometimes they will get cash gifts and WISH they had ordered a higher line package - if you've got the stuff in the can (on the tape), you can offer the "upgrade".

I've shot "on spec" when my wife was shooting stills, and I wanted to test some things out - let 'em buy the video later - not a recommended option, but it's worked for me.

Mark Ganglfinger
March 8th, 2008, 05:31 PM
I have included the footage on several occasions, usually with the mindset that it will only help when it comes time for a referal.
Take this with a grain of salt because I am a very bad business person who can barely keep a video business afloat.
I just love to shoot!

Mark G

Kiflom Bahta
March 8th, 2008, 05:44 PM
Shoot it, you might need it, if things don't go right with your other shoot. As others say it is also good way to get positive feedback.

John Moon
March 9th, 2008, 06:19 PM
If you are already there and it will add value to your end product, get the shots.

Jeremiah McLamb
March 11th, 2008, 01:04 PM
well...i guess it's unanimous. Shoot more video.

So...really...should i just cut the package that doesn't offer preceremony? I only offer it to provide something for the lower budgeted wedding. But geez...if i'm going to be doing the same stuff on package one that I do on package 2...might as well cancel package 1.

Steven Davis
March 11th, 2008, 01:18 PM
well...i guess it's unanimous. Shoot more video.

So...really...should i just cut the package that doesn't offer preceremony? I only offer it to provide something for the lower budgeted wedding. But geez...if i'm going to be doing the same stuff on package one that I do on package 2...might as well cancel package 1.

Well here is our approach. Since we usually get to weddings at least 2 hours early, we try to get some prestuff. Now, if the client wants us to definately get it, then we would adjust our shoot time accordingly. Quite often, your video will look a little odd if it doesn't include any. All of this can and should be discussed at your client's consultation.

One word of caution though. There are those weddings when it may run late etc before starting. I've had a bride arrive to the church 15 minutes before the ceremony started, she was 45 minutes late to the church. So this is why agreeing to a shoot start time is important. I've also been locked out of a church for an hour as well. Hehe, that was fun.

Dave Blackhurst
March 11th, 2008, 03:21 PM
You're forgetting the EDIT time - just because you shoot stuff doesn't mean you have to use it - your higher price package reflects the additional editing time to include the pre-ceremony fully mixed and edited.

If you just shoot, you have the extra stuff to mix in, potentially making your job easier, but on the lower package, you aren't obligated to include any of it.

Shooting is the fast and easy part - it's the editing and mixing that the client really doesn't realize is there that they are paying for...

And you're probably better to have the "economy" package to get in the door - then upsell where it makes sense to the client, and be glad you've got the work when they just want the basics!

Steve Sobodos
March 11th, 2008, 05:10 PM
Many time pre-ceremony involves another location such as the bride's parents house, etc. I wouldn't go there unless they contracted me to but I aggree that some other shots at the church to throw in the montage is a great idea.
