Ala Shiban
March 6th, 2008, 02:42 AM
Hey guys -
It seems to me that integrating green-screen'ed video with video is referred to as 'Compositing'.
My question is, what's the term for when you integrate visual effects (shooting star, 3D object, ...) into a 2D scene?
Giroud Francois
March 6th, 2008, 02:56 AM
Compositing is a generic term. It covers all effects requiring to stitch multiple parts/layers together.
For green screen, , the more precise term, is Keying.
Tracking, motion track, keying, color matching are used to include 3d objects or 2D objects (matte painting for example) into a video.
Ala Shiban
March 6th, 2008, 02:59 AM
Compositing is a generic term. It covers all effects requiring to stitch multiple parts/layers together.
For green screen, , the more precise term, is Keying.
Tracking, motion track, keying, color matching are used to include 3d objects or 2D objects (matte painting for example) into a video.
Thanks for that! My main learning objective is on how to integrate visual effects in non-moving tripod shots (for starters, no tracking) - I guess i'll start searching the forums!