Bill Davis
March 5th, 2008, 02:52 PM
Since we discuss copyright stuff a lot on here, I thought I'd post a link to an interesting essay on Ars Technica about the progress/relevance/changing nature of copyright law in the digital era.
I found it interesting.
Dave Blackhurst
March 5th, 2008, 04:26 PM
Interesting - it points to the challenge in a digital age where virtually ANYONE can create, copy, and distribute "intellectual property" or "information"...
Technology being democratized creates a paradigm shift that IP law simply is unprepared to deal with, and it's probably only going to get messier.
It used to be that there was a need for a HUGE investment required to find, develop and distribute "talent" or "information" or even "news", now anyone with a handycam and a computer and a little talent can compete on nearly equal footing on the web with "media powerhouses"!
And as always the question remains... how does one monetize the products of their intellect and creativity (intellectual property)??