March 5th, 2008, 02:35 PM
Does anyone know of a free video viewing application similar to Simpleviewer
for organizing videos on your webpage?
I'm looking for a sharp way to present my content on my site.
Giroud Francois
March 5th, 2008, 04:37 PM
you can do this by many ways, straight from flash or use javascript, java, dhtml etc....
i have done that for a friend
take the first link on the left "démo vidéo "
it is very basic but that was for free....
I do not see any problem to replace picture with video in the example you gave.
(you will need the source code or do some reverse engineering....)
google for "gallery javascript"
I like this one, you juste need to replace some links to pictures with links to video
most of the products are made to grab a folder full of picture, generates thumbnails and create the gallery automatically, something you will probably not do with video, that is why , coding your own should be better.
Special effect are difficult with java and java script, a full FLASH application would be easier and shorter to write, but more difficult to update.
Emre Safak
March 5th, 2008, 06:28 PM
You can't get jazzier than PictureFlow (