Kevin Nardelle
July 4th, 2003, 05:00 PM
I posted some pictures of the new boom design, the head leveling system is being designed right now. I am not using the lame cable method, it is not going to be reliable, rather I am sticking with the professional proved design using a control rod. Everything is almost together, things are looking good and I am really happy with the operation so far.
See the pics at..
Kevin Nardelle
July 4th, 2003, 10:31 PM
I have the entire thing ready to go less the variable speed bi-directional steping motors for the panning and tilt of the camera itself. I just got the two chips I have been waiting for and still waiting for the digital encoders frmo DigiKey..
As it is right now, i have an analog motor geared to give me the movement but it's a little jerky.. Everything is working great, not to mention this thing is ten times more stable then it was before! I can't wait to go out and try it - it's raining out now.. really a bummer.
I will get some pics of the self leveling head system posted later on, I need to get a shower and REST!
Ken Tanaka
July 4th, 2003, 11:24 PM
Good for you, Kevin! It looks like a well-executed project. Bravo.
Kevin Nardelle
July 4th, 2003, 11:35 PM
Thanks, made me rethink the page a little. Go to it now and REFRESH it if you already visited it and check out the links now.
I can't stand a mess lol..