Ian Brumm
July 4th, 2003, 02:01 AM
I have so many questions that I do not know where to start, or in what forum to start this thread. Forgive me if this is a bad choice.
First, I have a very limited experience in this industry. I worked for the TV show Dark Angel, as a PA. That was a great learning experience and is what caused me to continually think about anything related. I literally go to bed and cannot sleep because of all the visuals running through my head.
My only other “experience” is creating a short movie within a videogame. This is not easy to do. You have to have “actors”. Most of which have no idea what is really happening. If someone dies and the shot was not good you have to restart the game, get everyone back into his or her positions and make sure they are wearing the same uniform/weapon combination as they were in the previous takes. At least in real life you can have actor markers so that they know where to stand. Not possible in games. All sound effects need to be added later and you have to work within the limitations of the game. Only one “camera”, the list goes on. Anyway if you want to see this it’s available at the below link.
Scroll down to the download section, click the link. Then on the new page click on “download: Limited by available bandwidth” link. I get about 300-500k a sec download.
It’s been some time since I started trying to think of film ideas for live action, and I have finally come up with an idea for a very short film (5min or less) that I think could be quite funny and/or entertaining, as have my “test” subjects. It’s the first idea that I have not just tossed aside.
Now I have questions about my new idea…
I would like to get this filmed. I do not own a video camera but I would like to do it myself. And everyone has to learn somewhere. I would love to just go out and buy an xl1s, but let’s face it… it would not be the most logical decision. I am sure there are places here that I could rent one, but would that be a smart choice? I mean I’d have to learn the camera’s functions, etc. And paying a rental fee to do that does not seem like a good idea. When push comes to shove I would like to have more than one camera filming anyway.
That said, I am not opposed to letting other people do the filming if I can get them to do it for cheap, or free! And if they seem to care as much as I do about the project.
I have been told that if I shorten this, that it could be a great commercial for a certain product that everyone uses and many companies produce… it would just be a mater of who to sell it to. Or more importantly, HOW to get the word out and have people actually READ it! Not just toss it aside.
As far as that goes, I have no idea where to start. I have no illusions that I would even have a chance to sell it but for reference, how do I go about selling or pitching a commercial? Who do I talk to, is it a good idea to film it in a “rough draft” first, make a storyboard, or just send the script to as many possible bidders as I can find? And what about copyright?
Continuing the copyright question, what’s the best way to do this? I have been told that simply writing out your ideas clearly and sending it to yourself is the easiest way to do it. As long as you never open up the envelope it’s safe. True? This is how I “copyrighted” my above movie characters etc.
However, from www.copyright.gov
I’ve heard about a “poor man’s copyright.” What is it?
The practice of sending a copy of your own work to yourself is sometimes called a “poor man’s copyright.” There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration.
I take that as saying it’s not a good idea to use that method. But I must ask, why is it so popular? What do YOU do?
Now about the xl1s. Are their any sites that have pure uncompressed video for download that was filmed with the xl1s camera? I would also like to see the G2, I am sure I can get G1 footage from a friend who has one when he gets back from vacation.
How does the audio sound from the fixed microphone? Does anyone have some audio samples? I would think that recording to something like a Minidisk or a DAT is a better idea? Just use the fixed microphone for backup. Or attach an external microphone to the camera and have someone operate it. If filming with 2 or more cameras I guess each microphone on each camera could be focused on different sounds from the scene. Is that correct or not?
My film idea really is not sound heavy; most could be done after the filming if needed. No talking etc. But I am still curious.
I know I am missing a lot of questions here but I can ask them later. Thanks for any help.
First, I have a very limited experience in this industry. I worked for the TV show Dark Angel, as a PA. That was a great learning experience and is what caused me to continually think about anything related. I literally go to bed and cannot sleep because of all the visuals running through my head.
My only other “experience” is creating a short movie within a videogame. This is not easy to do. You have to have “actors”. Most of which have no idea what is really happening. If someone dies and the shot was not good you have to restart the game, get everyone back into his or her positions and make sure they are wearing the same uniform/weapon combination as they were in the previous takes. At least in real life you can have actor markers so that they know where to stand. Not possible in games. All sound effects need to be added later and you have to work within the limitations of the game. Only one “camera”, the list goes on. Anyway if you want to see this it’s available at the below link.
Scroll down to the download section, click the link. Then on the new page click on “download: Limited by available bandwidth” link. I get about 300-500k a sec download.
It’s been some time since I started trying to think of film ideas for live action, and I have finally come up with an idea for a very short film (5min or less) that I think could be quite funny and/or entertaining, as have my “test” subjects. It’s the first idea that I have not just tossed aside.
Now I have questions about my new idea…
I would like to get this filmed. I do not own a video camera but I would like to do it myself. And everyone has to learn somewhere. I would love to just go out and buy an xl1s, but let’s face it… it would not be the most logical decision. I am sure there are places here that I could rent one, but would that be a smart choice? I mean I’d have to learn the camera’s functions, etc. And paying a rental fee to do that does not seem like a good idea. When push comes to shove I would like to have more than one camera filming anyway.
That said, I am not opposed to letting other people do the filming if I can get them to do it for cheap, or free! And if they seem to care as much as I do about the project.
I have been told that if I shorten this, that it could be a great commercial for a certain product that everyone uses and many companies produce… it would just be a mater of who to sell it to. Or more importantly, HOW to get the word out and have people actually READ it! Not just toss it aside.
As far as that goes, I have no idea where to start. I have no illusions that I would even have a chance to sell it but for reference, how do I go about selling or pitching a commercial? Who do I talk to, is it a good idea to film it in a “rough draft” first, make a storyboard, or just send the script to as many possible bidders as I can find? And what about copyright?
Continuing the copyright question, what’s the best way to do this? I have been told that simply writing out your ideas clearly and sending it to yourself is the easiest way to do it. As long as you never open up the envelope it’s safe. True? This is how I “copyrighted” my above movie characters etc.
However, from www.copyright.gov
I’ve heard about a “poor man’s copyright.” What is it?
The practice of sending a copy of your own work to yourself is sometimes called a “poor man’s copyright.” There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration.
I take that as saying it’s not a good idea to use that method. But I must ask, why is it so popular? What do YOU do?
Now about the xl1s. Are their any sites that have pure uncompressed video for download that was filmed with the xl1s camera? I would also like to see the G2, I am sure I can get G1 footage from a friend who has one when he gets back from vacation.
How does the audio sound from the fixed microphone? Does anyone have some audio samples? I would think that recording to something like a Minidisk or a DAT is a better idea? Just use the fixed microphone for backup. Or attach an external microphone to the camera and have someone operate it. If filming with 2 or more cameras I guess each microphone on each camera could be focused on different sounds from the scene. Is that correct or not?
My film idea really is not sound heavy; most could be done after the filming if needed. No talking etc. But I am still curious.
I know I am missing a lot of questions here but I can ask them later. Thanks for any help.