View Full Version : RE: Sony Vegas Pro 8.0

Tom Marks
February 29th, 2008, 10:46 PM
If you buy this program is it only downloadable once. Make it easier. I have to computers which I would like to have this program on...will it let me install the program on 2 machines or do I have to buy lic. to get another copy? What woudl happen if I were to put it on one machine and something happens to the point that I have to do a system restore. Would I be able to install it again or am I out of 500 bucks???
I'm working on the trial version and my machine probably needs to be restored. Will I be able to continue with my free 30 day trial or do I lose out?

David Hadden
March 1st, 2008, 12:30 AM
You can download as many times as you want and the license allows you to install it on multiple machines as long as you only run it on one at a time. ( plus it comes with a network render option which would allow you to use both procs over the same network to render, however encoding is only allowed to be done by one proc because of licensing with MainConcept ).


Ian Slessor
March 1st, 2008, 01:10 AM
You can install on a second comp as long as you don't use both copies at same time.

Additionally if you keep your registration serial (generally a good idea) you can re-install if your comp crashes. I've had to.

As for reformatting your HDD and getting another 30 days use out of Vegas, yeah, you could do that but it's a pain in the ass. Better to pony up the dough and commit to Vegas and she'll commit to you.

David, thanks for the info. I'll have to do a little research there and see if my dualcore laptop couldn't give the HT P4 desktop a little extra "boomph" in the rendering dept.

*edit* Just realized, David, you may be referring to versions AFTER Vegas 6.0d. The network it only in the newest versions or will my 6.0d version make network rendering happen as well? *edit*
