View Full Version : poor quality exports from PPro CS3 to h264 mp4

Shayne Weyker
February 26th, 2008, 09:35 PM
Someone please tell me how to get sharp looking h264 mp4 files at 320x240 size out of Premiere Pro.

I'm using the CS3 master suite (Premiere Pro 3.1.1) on XP. My source video is NTSC DV shot from a locked down camera.

I'm exporting some videos for the web and I'd like to be able to encode once and use the same video for the web and for video podcasts.

I've found though that on a standard chest and up talking head shot, there's a lot of blockiness/aliasing around the eyes when I use the YouTube/Google Video h.264 mp4 video presets.

Increasing bitrate and lowering frame rate don't help this, only increasing the size to 480x360 which makes the aliasing go away and the image nice and sharp. But that resolution is probably too big for what I need.

Adobe Media Encoder's iPod h264 MP4 files don't have this aliasing problem but the adobe flash player doesn't like playing those (why?) so I can't use them for web and podcast.

Interestingly the FLV exports of the same clips don't have this problem either at 320x240. Those FLV files look very sharp and clean using only 256kb/s while the youtube and google settings are 700kb/s.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Shayne Weyker

Graham Risdon
February 27th, 2008, 02:05 AM
Not trying to hijack the thread, but I'm having some problems with lip sync trying to create H264 mp4 files using PP CS3 from PAL DV footage...
Any ideas?