View Full Version : Where to put my laptop?

D.M. Durbin
February 25th, 2008, 12:44 PM
I have an XL2 mounted on a Manfrotto 501 tripod. I need to find an attachment that will mount to my tripod that will support my Macbook Pro while I am recording directly to it through FCP. Any advice?

Steven Davis
February 25th, 2008, 01:13 PM
Maybe something like this?

I have one of these and I could see modifying it to hold a laptop

Daniel Paquin
February 26th, 2008, 05:14 AM
Hello Durbin,

I do have a very quick question for you. How would you record it directly to FCP?

I did not beleive you could do it live with FCP. I had been told that it would be better to use a software like DV Monitor PRo which can record directly in a format usable by FCP.

D.M. Durbin
February 26th, 2008, 07:18 AM
Daniel, its rrally quite simple. Just connect the camera and launch FCP. Under the file tab you will click the "log and capture" tab. A new window pops up and to the right of the preview window you will see a tab that says "capture settings". Change the value to "non-controllable device". Your camera should now be broadcasting in the preview window. If it isn't, simply close the window and then reopen it. Now that you have reset it, you should see what the camera sees. You will see the capture button at the bottom of the log and capture preview window. Just hit capture and your video will be saved in FCP and can be immediately edited. I usually still record to a dv tape at the same time just because its easier for me to store my footage that way. Have fun!

Tim Hodgson
February 26th, 2008, 11:17 AM
Hi D.M. ...

Check these guys out. They make all kinds of mounting equipment and the stuff is really strong. I use lots of their products, really good stuff.

Home page ...

Component pages ...


Harold Schreiber
February 26th, 2008, 11:52 AM
Hi D.M. Durbin,

I use a Bogen TriPod and have added a simple shelf to it.
