Glenn Thomas
February 25th, 2008, 07:46 AM
Sad news here. I've been attempting to upload a 1080P video to Stage 6 for the past week now without success. Upon logging in a few minutes ago I just found out why.
There's a long message posted just 10 minutes ago by Tom stating that Stage 6 will no longer exhist from February the 28th onwards and that uploads have already been disabled. I guess that would explain it.
Oh well, time to download as much as I can while it's still there.
Paulo Teixeira
February 25th, 2008, 11:44 AM
This is terrible news for a lot of people including myself but they were loosing a lot of money keeping that afloat and it’s not surprising that its stock would go up after that news.
It was 12.95 not to long ago but now it looks like its going back down. Investors are probably trying to figure out rather this is good or bad news.
Glenn Thomas
February 27th, 2008, 01:46 AM
That's interesting, I never even thought about their stock prices being affected. In fact, I never even knew they were on the Stock Market.
It looks as if it may have already been taken off line. I've clicked on there a few times today and have just ended up with a 'try again later' message. Not only that, the favicon that normally appears next to the link in my favourites list has disappeared also.
I think their biggest mistake was not controlling what people uploaded. People just seemed to take it for granted and were treating it like a YouTube. You'd do a search for something and at least 90% of the results would be clips from video games. I could never see the point of that? These weren't Machinima short films, but just people playing the games. Then there was one time a guy ripped off the video from a timelapse movie I had up there, replaced the music and posted it back up as his own.
Anyway, I hope other HD sites such as Vimeo don't end up going the same way.
Andy Wilkinson
February 29th, 2008, 03:28 AM
It's still there as at 9:00AM UK time 29th Feb for those of you who want to keep downloading those free 1080p clips while you can.....
Paulo Teixeira
March 2nd, 2008, 07:31 PM
I think either Microsoft or Sony should make a deal with DivX so that Stage6 can be playable exclusively on either the 360 or the PS3. I don’t think it’s too late.
Andy Wilkinson
March 3rd, 2008, 03:53 AM
But DivX is ALREADY playable on the PS3? - it came with the last firmware update around Xmas time. Mind you it's limited to max 2GB files.
Paulo Teixeira
March 3rd, 2008, 05:37 PM
I do know that both the PS3 and the 360 can play DivX files but what I was trying to say is that Stage6 can still continue within either PSN or Live just like what Netflix is trying to do. It may cost then a lot of money but it will guarantee to increase unit sales by a lot because all of the people that like to view videos on Stage6 will be forced to buy one of those gaming systems.
If it wasn’t for companies such as Google for example being interested in YouTube, it would have disappeared. I’m surprised nobody wanted to take a chance with DivX.