View Full Version : Test Colorbars in EX1 Too Bright!

Michael H. Stevens
February 24th, 2008, 03:49 PM
I just compared the color bars recorded with my last shoot on the Vegas timeline with the standard colorbars in Vegas. The ones from the EX1 are incrediably "bright", even when in the same color space. Reason? Mean anything?

Daniel Alexander
February 24th, 2008, 04:29 PM
With the amount of recent discoveries of Vegas shortcomings i wouldnt be suprised if vegas' colour bars were wrong aswell. Have you compared them in any other NLE?

Bill Ravens
February 24th, 2008, 04:44 PM
The "stock" Vegas color bars are in REC601. The colorbars from the EX1 are REC709. One of the shortcomings of Vegas is that it doesn't tell you what you're looking at in this regard. Mixing REC601 and REC709 on the timeline causes what? The scopes don't tell you whether they are calibrated in REC601 or 709. And codecs don't tell you what they want to see or what they render to, either. Problems, problems, problems.