View Full Version : Promotional Video for Store

Chris Leffler
February 23rd, 2008, 11:56 AM
I was hired by a local paintball store and field to make a promo video for them. I was wondering if the people could help me out with possibly some ways to go about filming?

Jason Bowers
February 23rd, 2008, 12:41 PM
I think it would be cool to shoot it in first person view, so that the excitement of paintballs whipping past your head and seeing all the guys running around would be quite cool. It might immerse the viewer more than your traditional birds eye view. You could creep around corners etc.... Think of Halo, would be something to consider.

Jeff Emery
February 23rd, 2008, 02:00 PM
How did you get this gig?


Ger Griffin
February 23rd, 2008, 02:28 PM
I like that idea Jason.
It would be shot perfectly with a merlin eh.
you could key in the gun afterwards.
They did it in the film doom with the rock.
check it out, its not a bad flick.

Another shot that could work would be to place yourself and the camera
behind a pane of glass and have someone shoot the glass face-on
Should make for some colourful splats

Chris Leffler
February 23rd, 2008, 04:58 PM
I film paintball to start with that is how I got this gig. So I know how to film for that aspect. I was looking more for help with showing the store... I was thinking just a wide shot of the store and then like a pan around?

Jason Bowers
February 23rd, 2008, 05:24 PM
I would do as I said and put the shop and shelves as straight cuts in between the action. So you have the feel and then quick shots of the merchandise. this way the shoot is fast paced and isn't just another boring showroom pan and fake acting at the till.

Bill Mecca
February 23rd, 2008, 06:19 PM
Tell a story, engage the viewer. One thought that came to mind was to have the teams, or individuals in PB gear, and trying to get the supplies they the store or alternatively, in the field, realizing they need something and trying to get tot he store while under enemy fire. It's not fully thought out but a start.

the most boring commercials or biz videos I have seen are wide shots and then a few closeups with a narration listing what they have... booorrrriinnnng!! use the medium!

Victor Kellar
February 23rd, 2008, 07:01 PM
How about this:

Start them off in the field, quickly establish two teams who want to play, very rabid, excited guys, suddenly run out of ammo/supplies, set up a shot with all the guys frustrated, empty weapons pointed at the sky yelling in frustration...

Jump into the station, same pose. They look around, POV shots of the goods, etc. double speed shots of the staff arming them up. Someone says Can't wait to take the battle back to the field. The most rabid guy says Why wait!
Everyone points their weapons at each other, the staff duck for cover, freeze frame, SFX of shouts and shots conintues, throw up the keys, fade to black

Dave Blackhurst
February 24th, 2008, 12:39 AM
Or the cliche' - geeky guy goes into store, discovers a love of paintball, ends up being "Mr. Cool"... once properly outfitted by XYZ paintball!

Mary Angelini
February 28th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Who is the targeted audience?
age, gender, race, ethnic background, average income?
what is the purpose of the advertisement?
to bring in new businesses? to show a new location? new products?
encourage previous cust to come back?

You should answer these questions before you think about story lines.
Then tailor the story line to your targeted audience.

Good luck!

Chris Leffler
March 6th, 2008, 07:48 PM
I plan to ask those questions when I meet the owner face to face. I am just trying to gather as many ideas before hand as possible. I would really love to just do a normal paintball video and then do store shots inside it.