View Full Version : If I got an AF lens - will it force me to focus?

Todd Smaretsky
February 23rd, 2008, 07:06 AM
I am a bit confused. I have read incredible reviews on this lens: AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D - I want to get it but:

My question is this: the AF (auto focus) feature. Will it make me focus? What if I want it to focus on something else and it changes?

What if I want a blur?

I don't get it - what if I want to focus on a distinct small subject will it automatically focus on the "bigger" subject?

Any help?


Tom Hardwick
February 23rd, 2008, 07:45 AM
When the AF Nikkor is used on an SLR in the auto-focus mode I'm pretty sure it's a contrast related system, so that it auto focuses until the greatest contrast is observed between edges, at which point the motors stop moving the elements. Size of object or closeness to camera have no bearing.

Todd - presumably you're thinking about using this on a Letus or somesuch? Then you can switch the lens between auto and manual, and of course in this case you'll use manual.


Todd Smaretsky
February 23rd, 2008, 11:44 AM
Thank you Tom, that helps tremendously.