View Full Version : Oh god help! Audio question

Scott Keating
February 22nd, 2008, 04:48 PM
I'm sort of in a jam here and in desperate need of some help. I'm shooting this weekend and was given some sound recording equipment for my GL2. It's a Sony ECM-NV1 mic, attached to a battery pack( Not sure what kind ), then attached to a beachtek dxa-4 which is then attached the GL2 mic input.

The audio I'm recording is barely audible, even when literally yelling. I'm sure there's a reason for this, but sound recording is an area where I have almost no experience. I can't get in contact with the audia guy who loaned me this I'm turning to you guys for! :)

Thank you!

Carl Middleton
February 22nd, 2008, 06:22 PM
I'm not sure this is applicable for the GL series, but it could be a line level vs mic level issue?

I don't know the specific equipment, so I can't say what they output, but I would tinker with any settings in the camera for MIC or LINE input.


Scott Keating
February 22nd, 2008, 06:56 PM
I'll definately check that out. The beachtek adapter has a line and mic switch, but I've tried both. The Line produces no sound at all and Mic produces a tiny amount of sound ( Barely audible with headphones ).

I dont' know if there's an option on the camera itself, hopefully that will be the solution. Thanks!

David L. Holmes
February 22nd, 2008, 07:14 PM
Hey Scott,

Looks like you have a mic power problem. I checked online, and the Sony ECM-NV1 is a Condenser mic that requires some sort of power to make the mic perform correctly that is what the battery pack you described is for, Dynamic mics do not need power. Unfortunatley the Beachtek unit you mentioned looks like it does not have Phantom power, so you are stuck... You have to figure out what is wrong with the battery, or find someone who has a self powered Shotgun mic and use it instead of the Sony.

Scott Keating
February 22nd, 2008, 07:35 PM
Hey Scott,

Looks like you have a mic power problem. I checked online, and the Sony ECM-NV1 is a Condenser mic that requires some sort of power to make the mic perform correctly that is what the battery pack you described is for, Dynamic mics do not need power. Unfortunatley the Beachtek unit you mentioned looks like it does not have Phantom power, so you are stuck... You have to figure out what is wrong with the battery, or find someone who has a self powered Shotgun mic and use it instead of the Sony.

Hmmm, I sure hope that's not the problem! But you're probably right. The only weak link I can see in the system is the battery. Dang!

Graham Bernard
February 23rd, 2008, 01:10 AM
What audio do you HAVE to record? What is it that the XM2 wont do by itself? Is it speeches? Interviews? Exactly what?

And no, that Beachtek doesn't have PPower. It is a grwat piece of kit and great for setting levels - very pure sound - but without a mic'level audio stream you will need to do more than just "yelling" at it.

If you CAN get your hands on a powered mic with the 3-pin XLR plugs to go to the Beachtek then fine. If you can;t you are kinda XXXXXX. What does this "power-pack" look like? I've looked over several ECM-NV1 sites and I can't for the life of me see this in connection with this mic? I see the mic attached to the PD150, but I can't see a power pack? What is at the end of the mic? A 3-pin? Or are you directly plugging something FROM the mic to camera? Have you raised your mic levels? Are you on manual audio?

Without knowing seeing more, I'm kinda deaf to your pleas . . sorry .. . you're gonna have to yell much louder . . I'm in London!


Scott Keating
February 23rd, 2008, 08:57 PM
Oh, it's mostly just conversation between two characters. I could, of course, use the onboard mic but it tends to be pretty noisey in small rooms, lots of echo. The battery pack was between the mic and the beachtek attached by a 3pin XLR cord I guess?

But, luckily, I managed to get in contact with the sound guy and he gave me a small mixer/pre-amp which supported phantom power, so went went into that and then into the camera. So all is well!

Thanks for all the help everyone!