View Full Version : Welcome Michael Y. Wong to Our Team
Patrick Moreau February 21st, 2008, 05:40 PM As of this week we officially became the luckiest cinematography company out there when Michael Y. Wong decided to leave IBM and join our team full time. He will join us as an executive cinematographer and an editor. We are very excited to see what we can create as a team.
Here is a clip from our first shoot together, a wedding we just covered in Banff:
Jason Bowers February 21st, 2008, 05:53 PM Congratulations Mike! This is a huge step in the right direction. Can Still-Motion do anything wrong? Patrick you should insure you fingers cause everything you touch turns to gold;) Good job guys, Banff is a dream location, you should see it in the summer, the colours are simply breathtaking.
Ram Purad February 21st, 2008, 06:40 PM Congratulations Mike on ur move. I'm sure, by the way things are going, Still-Motion can offer you a better job security than IBM ;-)
Good luck to you in your new role.
Peter Szilveszter February 21st, 2008, 07:51 PM Congrats Michael on joining one of the most inspiring team of artists in the world.
Man what an awesome location. Can't wait to see more.
Raphael Jamil Pranga February 22nd, 2008, 01:20 AM Hi Mike! Glad to see you as the executive cinematographer of Stillmotion! Congratulations!
Do shoot me an email if you have time! ^_^
Simon Denny February 22nd, 2008, 01:44 AM Beautiful images and color.
I love all your work and keep inspired by watching these from time to time.
What do you edit on and color correct with?
How much post production do you do with levels as everything seems spot on to me.
Richard Wakefield February 22nd, 2008, 02:57 AM the best just got better!
congrats guys, can't wait to see your joint efforts
Alastair Brown February 22nd, 2008, 03:44 AM Congrats Michael. I'm envious of you being able to escape the shackles of corporate gloom, to get out there and be creative for a living. I'm sure you will look back in 6 months and wonder why you ever waited so long.
Stellar work as always.
Shaun Conner February 22nd, 2008, 10:02 AM I can only hope to be 10% as good as you guys are. I'm just starting out and I don't know if I can ever reach guys level or come close to it. The best work I've ever seen.
Michael Y Wong February 23rd, 2008, 03:19 AM Hello!! Sorry guys for taking so long to reply, I'm quite sure everyone reading this knows the sinking feeling of the good 'ol wedding backlog!
Still don't know how to feel after strangely seeing my name in a thread title, but I am touched by the kind words of encouragement.
To return some comments:
Jason, awesome of you to take the time to read this thread even though I bombard you constantly with videos on facebook =). You know, thunder Bay isn't that far away from Toronto...
Ramesh!! Me and Pat are still anxious to see what you can do with your wedding video! It would be awesome if you could showcase it to us in the studio when it's ready. Cannot wait to see your sharpened Merlin shooting skills.!
Rafy, it is sad but I moved my workstation to the studio this week and everyone is laughing at me since I'm temporarily using a PC right now and it is having problems connecting to the internet. Make no mistake, I am looking forward to our chats to come.
Simon, we pretty much hand colour everything in FCP; but like everyone else are inspired when seeing work on these forums influenced by filmFx/MagicBullet. In addition to me & Patrick going over eachothers colour work, quite often our photo team provides us with further critique; so the colour grading goes through a full team-scrutiny before being sent off to public eyes.
Thanks Peter, Richard & Alastair. I loved the corporate world in my youth, but the long term outlook simply lost it's appeal to me. Stealing the words from a friend who took a similar step; doing what I love became more and more important each and every single day. With that said, I am EXTREMELY fortunate to find an oppurtunity which I felt was best in line with my interests & passions.
Shaun, never say never!!! Always keep learning; studying; watching & of course shooting and editing!!
I really don't know if it makes much of a difference now that I am immersing myself full-time as another 'video guy' vs. shooting & editing part-time for the past year and a half, but I must admit that shooting with Patrick & Tony this year has been a complete blast & tremendous fun. By chance, I met Patrick on these forums a year back and now I will have HUGE shoes to fill, since I will be shooting his wedding next year =).
I'm humbled everyones warm comments. Thank you & Cheers!
Jason Bowers February 23rd, 2008, 12:36 PM Hey Michael,
your right Thunder Bay is only 18hour drive or 1.5 hour flight. As for the videos, I can't get enough of your work. I drive my wife crazy with the amount of videos I watch, other peoples work inspires the best. If you need another hand on Patrick's wedding I am more than willing to make the trek free of charge, jut say the word! Congrats again!! I guess Patrick has the right idea why compete against you when he can just devour you;)
John Moon February 23rd, 2008, 11:37 PM Congrats Michael. That is great that you are taking the step out of the corp world. I love studying the StillMotion work. Always interesting to the eye. Good luck!
Jeffrey Butler February 25th, 2008, 09:43 PM ...with your work, StillMotion! Very inspiring, in so many ways. I just spent some time on your blog and website and really enjoyed my visit!
Lalo Alvidrez March 1st, 2008, 01:21 AM Best wishes Michael, you are among the best of the best. Your work is inspiring and you'll fit right in with the rest of the Still-Motion crew. Look foward to seeing more of you magic. cheers.
Steven Davis March 25th, 2008, 12:16 PM As of this week we officially became the luckiest cinematography company out there when Michael Y. Wong decided to leave IBM and join our team full time. He will join us as an executive cinematographer and an editor. We are very excited to see what we can create as a team.
Here is a clip from our first shoot together, a wedding we just covered in Banff:
My complements on your lighting as always.
Jason Donaldson March 26th, 2008, 01:39 PM Michael Wong, you have won the lottery dude. I look at the work produced by Patrick and company, and the only way I can describe it is being a kid, seeing his first Ferrari or Porsche...the amazment is overwhelming. I am on the road to becoming a wedding cinematographer, and hopefully, one day will produce work that comes close to this...someday.
Congrats Michael.
Vito DeFilippo March 26th, 2008, 04:46 PM Michael Wong, you have won the lottery dude.
Well, sure, but lots of the work you are amazed at involved Michael. He didn't win the lottery. He's got the goods!