View Full Version : Question about NEO/OnLocation/Ultra/Vegas

Paul Cascio
February 15th, 2008, 05:53 PM
David, this may be in the wrong forum, but I respect your knowledge and would appreciate any advice you could offer.

I want to record to disk using OnLocation, for Chromakeying in Ultra and editing further in Vegas. I am a NEO owner and can't figure out where to insert it into the equation.

My first problem is that OnLocation lets me record HDV as either and M2t or MPEG file, which is confusing in itself as I'm not sure which to use.

How would you handle the workflow for this?

Thanks to all who repsond.

David Newman
February 15th, 2008, 06:06 PM
You can use either M2T or MPEG out of OnLocation within HDLink. All exports form Ultra should be rendered to CineForm, to prevent quality loss. Clip can be optionally converts to CineForm before using Ultra, and for Vegas.