Sherif Choudhry
February 14th, 2008, 07:16 PM
Hi, does anyone bypass the Sony V1 pre-amp to capture audio, eg, to a Zoom portable digital recorder, or any other device, eg, Nagra; thus avoiding the HDV audio compression, and recording in non-compressed .wav format? Would be great to learn your experiences and how you sync the audio to the hdv clip in your NLE software.
Or whether this is a silly idea.
I use the V1 mainly for interviewing people - mainly static but a lot of moving shots recently (eg, interviewing a person riding a horse).
Niall Chadwick
February 14th, 2008, 07:22 PM
I dont at the moment, but once I have the kit I will be recording audio separately
Why? Because the camera is there to do the image. And sound is sometimes a side thought. There is not the controls, mixing and as you said the HDV compression issues.
I plan to use separate sound mixer and recording device and then sync them together using a clapper in the NLE program.
Sherif Choudhry
February 15th, 2008, 02:04 PM
Niall, having recorded bands and mixed for CD, it was an eye opener to read about HDV audio compression, and on the V1 experience the noise levels of the pre-amps. Even for a budget vocal session I would use a £500 ($1000) mic into a £1000 pre-amp / compressor and record at 24bit 44Khz uncompressed.
I dont think this is anything against the V1 (as no doubt all HDV cameras at this price range have the same audio limitations) but I am not satisfied with recording direct to the V1 pre-amps. So my question on whether anyones used an alternative method.
I want to record direct to say a Zoom recorder, but I wonder if there are any synchronisation issues between video and audio?