View Full Version : Capturing with Sony HC-5 on ppro 1.5 Question

Joe Allen Rosenberger
February 14th, 2008, 03:31 PM
Hey All,

I am editing in ppro 1.5, trying to use my HC-5 as a capture deck via IEEE1394. When I try to down convert HDV footage to SD, it captures but when I bring the footage into the timeline...I end up needing to "scale" the footage down to make it "letterboxed" w/ black bars on top and bottom. The footage is overscaled on it's own when brought to the timeline and not viewable as letterboxed. I have been outputting for a 4:3 TV set. I do not want to make the timeline 16:9 when capturing since I am mixing footage with SD stuff.

I have tried several ways of capturing from the HC-5, and I think I've used every setting the camera will allow. I want the footage to be letterboxed when brought to the timeline. I am editing in SD and not HDV.

When I use my Z1U or FX1 for capture, this is not a problem...the footage is downconverted and letterboxed the way i want it but I can't seem to make the same thing happen with the HC-5.

Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated!



Mike McCarthy
February 14th, 2008, 08:47 PM
Select all HC-5 clips and choose Interpret Footage, set Pixel Aspect Ratio to 1.2 and move on with life is my recommendation.

Joe Allen Rosenberger
February 14th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Select all HC-5 clips and choose Interpret Footage, set Pixel Aspect Ratio to 1.2 and move on with life is my recommendation.

Hi Mike,

That didn't cure my issue. I want the footage captured to be letterboxed while working on 4:3 timeline.

I don't have this issue when I capture on my FX1 or the Z1u, the HDV footage is downconverted to DV while capturing and when I place it on the timeline, the footage is watching HD footage on a 4:3 tv see the black bars on top and bottom....that is what I want.

BUT, when I capture with the Sony Hc5...a small consumer HDV camcorder, it doesnt work out like the other two mentioned cams.

I just tried capturing again in several different ways and still get footage that exceeds the safe zones on the ppro 1.5 monitor window....this is capturing with the sony hc5.

I dont want to use my other two cams for capture decks if at all possible so anyone who has a similar workstation and captures with a hc5 and edits in sd....please hook a brotha up! I am dumfounded right now.

Thanks Mike, Joe

Mike McCarthy
February 15th, 2008, 07:19 PM
Do you have Default Scale to Frame Size turned on in the preferences? You don't want you actual DV captures to be 4x3, right? You just want Premiere to display them with letterboxing in a 4x3 project, right?