View Full Version : What's wrong with the Bogen 3160?

Jeff Farris
July 1st, 2003, 07:55 AM
I have been through a bunch of the threads here, trying to figure out how to configure a tripod that I can realistically carry on international trips. Most of my work is underwater, so I am already gear intensive when I travel (life support equipment for both me and my PDX-10), so I need the lightest smallest tripod that I can get by with to take some topside shots to supplement my underwater footage.

I have a Bogen 3405 (called the "Junior") that I bought some years back for my still camera. I am toying with the idea of adding a 3160 head to it for something that I can pack easily and still get a decent pan out of. A search here on the 3160 nets nothing but negative comments.

In my makeshift studio where I shoot training films with an XL-1, I have a 3233 tripod with a 3130 head. That head seems decent, and since 99% of my studio shots are static, it's fine. Does anyone here have experience with both the 3130 and 3160? How do they compare?

My road camera is a PDX-10, so we're not talking about supporting a lot of weight. I just want smooth pans from a small camera, in a lightweight, compact package.

Robert J. Wolff
July 2nd, 2003, 08:31 AM

While all of your equipment is built for still equipment, if your "terra firma" shooting is of a static nature, I can't see any problem.

If you are planning to track a moving subject, your outfit leaves a lot to be desired.

I am not familiar with the 3233 TP. I do not see it listed by Bogen.

Both of your heads are very close to the weight limits for a video camera with out add on equipment, but should work out well.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Good luck.

Jeff Farris
July 2nd, 2003, 08:57 AM
Thanks Robert.

Apparently, Bogen/Manfrotto has discontinued the 3233, but its spec page lives on at their site.

It would do just what I want, but it is just too darned heavy. Tracking a moving object is not as much of a goal as panning sweeping beach lines (reasonably smoothly). I think I am going to try the 3160 head on my Junior and see if it will suffice. If National Geographic or the BBC call, I'll take a closer look at some of the other options (including a sherpa).