View Full Version : FCP will not start with PD150 Connected! Ack!

Carl Middleton
February 14th, 2008, 02:36 PM
Hey guys,

I've got a MacPro (FCS2, Leopard, Octicore, Intensity Pro) built for this specific workflow -

Monitor via SD component, print to tape via SD component to betaSP (works)
Output finals for distrib to dub house via MiniDV (doesn't work. At all.)

We start this project TOMORROW! Meep!

If I try to start FCP with the PD150 connected via firewire, it hangs on the splash screen. Without the 150, it opens fine. I have tried sleeping the computer with FCP running, and turning on the pd150, and it hangs as soon as I wake from sleep. All updates (except QT) are installed. FCP 6.0.2.

Any help would be greatly, deeply, and most assuredly humbly appreciated. This Mac migration was going so well..... Please help a stranded PC convert. Please? :)


Robert Lane
February 14th, 2008, 03:37 PM
Why do you need to start FCP with the PD150 connected? Once the program is up and running you should be able to plug-in the camera and FCP should see it, start a new project and capture - if that's what you're attempting to do.

Try disconnecting any other FW devices that are connected at the same time; it could be something as simple as a device-connection conflict.

Carl Middleton
February 14th, 2008, 05:22 PM
I should have been more specific - if I connected it while the program was running, it would beachball on me and I'd be unable to even force quit. Restart-required level annoyances. :)

It turned out to be the 6 pin to 4 pin adapter we were using with a cable that it didn't come with. Funny thing was, it worked fine on my Z1, but required the cable that the little adapter came with to work with the pd150.

Thanks anyways!