View Full Version : Motion - No NTSC SD Presets?

Carl Middleton
February 14th, 2008, 08:36 AM
I've recently migrated FCS2 from one machine to another, everything seemed fine except Motion had no Filters (except one primatte key) available.

Sooo..... reinstall time! 1 day later or so, back up and running. :D I fire up all the FCS2 apps to try them out, especially with the newfangled Intensity card I installed. There's not a single preset below 720? I found, to do SD work and use the Intensity I have to use this workaround -

Create custom preset matching NTSC size and PAR etc. Go into Intensity control panel and select HD to SD Anamorphic Downconvert.

I then get a picture on my external monitor. Egads!

Any clues as to if I'm missing something?



I managed to create my own presets. It's had new problems since, though.