View Full Version : Image Download problems...

Joshua Badour
July 1st, 2003, 12:43 AM
Hey. I'm kinda new here...

To let you know, I'm 14, and bought a GL-2 with my own money. So if I say anything stupid, or have any questions, Im just getting used to the camera.

I installed the digital video solution disk, and all that went well. But then I had to install the DVC Storage Driver.

It said the "found new hardware" dialogue will only appear once. Well, I accidentaly clicked out of it.

Now, I have no clue how to install the storage driver. I've tried accessing the hard drive and activating the CD, but all that keeps coming up is the Video Solution Disk.

So then I tried just going to zoombrowser and trying to import a picture (I was desperate at this point) from there. Well, that obviously didn't work...

I need to get some stills to my writer, but I can't until I figure this out.

Help would be great. Thanks!!

Chris Hurd
July 1st, 2003, 06:57 AM
This isn't a solution, but an alternate way to get stills into your computer. Simply get yourself an SD card reader, about $20 from your local discount store / computer or photo store. No drivers required (depending on how old your computer is). Hope this helps,

Chris Fangio
July 1st, 2003, 07:20 AM

I think this is not a advantageous and cheap solution as the GL2 doesn't need a special driver, too. So you'll have no advantage when buying a SD card reader. The GL2s SD card is supported as a mass storage device in Windows ME/2000/XP.

All Joshua's got to do is to go into the device manager (if you don't know how to get there I'll describe it) and remove the "unknown device" (as it should appear in the device manager). Windows will ask for the driver at next reboot and with the GL2 connected and in card position. Then the GL2 will be accessible as a disk drive and you don't even need to use the Canon software to transfer your stills.


Joshua Badour
July 1st, 2003, 08:26 AM
I'll search, but I have no clue how to get to the "device manager"

So are you saying that that once I delete the "unknown file" I can install it again?

Chris Fangio
July 1st, 2003, 12:25 PM
Which version of MS Windows are you using? XP?

And yes, if you delete the "unknown device" which is marked with a "?" in the device manager you can install it again.

Alex Knappenberger
July 1st, 2003, 01:13 PM
If your using XP. The device manager is here:

Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager.

It's the same on 2000, I think, but a little different on earlyer versions of windows.

I'm 14 too, wish I could afford a GL2, :D.

Joshua Badour
July 2nd, 2003, 09:10 PM
I'm not seeing an "unknown device" whjere would it be? All I see it a list of "floppy disk" "mouses" etc.

ugh... This is frustrating, lol...

Chris Fangio
July 2nd, 2003, 11:22 PM
Hi Joshua,

you'll have to connect your camera and set it to PLAY (VCR) and CARD position. And you'll have to turn it on ... <lol> Then your Canon should appear in the devicer manager as an unknown device (because you didn't install the driver and your system doesn't know how to handle your cam). The symbold for this device is a yellow questionmark.


Joshua Badour
July 3rd, 2003, 07:33 AM

I found the device manager and all that, but when I got to it, all it said was "Canon DVC" with a "!" mark in yellow over the image.

Chris Fangio
July 3rd, 2003, 09:23 AM

this is great ! Just remove this device. Windows will ask for the driver next time you start your computer. Or you can double click on "Canon DVC" and select "driver" -> update driver -> specify location (2nd choice).

Hope this is correct for the english version of Windows as I'm using the german version.


John Lee
July 13th, 2003, 03:39 PM

I was having problems, but it was because I was trying to use the firewire connection to import photos.

Joshua Badour
July 16th, 2003, 01:31 PM

I did that, and it said "finding components to install new hardware" or something like that. Anyways, nothing ever loaded.

I checked back in the control panel tab, and there was the "Canon DVC" with a "!" over it again, even after I deleted it once.

Any clue?

John Lee
July 16th, 2003, 03:04 PM
Josh, are you using the USB cable or the firewire?

You've described exactly the problem I was having. Drove me nuts for about half an hour. Then I hooked in the USB connector instead of the firewire and it finally installed correctly.

Joshua Badour
July 17th, 2003, 07:32 AM
Ya, I am using the supplied USB cable...

Anyone got any other ideas?

Chris Fangio
July 17th, 2003, 08:04 AM

have you tried to update the driver in the device manager as described earlier? There you can specify the location of your Canon driver.


Joshua Badour
July 17th, 2003, 09:05 AM

I checked it out, yes, but I got screwed up somehow, like not knowing which driver to put it in...

Chris Fangio
July 17th, 2003, 09:18 AM
You'll have to download the driver from or you can use the one on the Canon CD which was shipped with your XM2/GL2.

It is important that you specify the location and not let windows search for the driver if it fails.

Chris Fangio
July 17th, 2003, 09:28 AM
Another idea:

Open the Canon CD -> Storage Driver -> (select your Win version) -> look for the *.inf - file -> right click -> install

This should also work.

Joshua Badour
July 17th, 2003, 06:16 PM
When you say "open the canon Cd" do you mean start the CD program?

Joshua Badour
July 17th, 2003, 06:17 PM
Also, when I open the CD program, all it will let me do is install the solution...

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see the edit button...

Chris Fangio
July 17th, 2003, 11:21 PM

no, if your Canon CD starts automatically, just close the installation window. Right click on your cd-rom drive and choose "browse" or "explorer" (don't choose "autoplay").


Joshua Badour
July 31st, 2003, 08:12 AM
Sorry it took so long to reply...

I went into the WIN2000 file under the storage driver, and it came up with was a notepad that said CANONDV_2K.

I doubt this is the right file...

EDIT: I tried what you said, nonetheless, and the file did nothing when I hit the install button...