View Full Version : Compatible Sachtler Head and Sachlter Monopod???

Keith Malone
February 13th, 2008, 06:15 PM
I posted this in the main camera support section but did not receive a response. Hopefully this is the right subforum for the question.

Hi All,

I recently bought a Sachtler tripod with the DV 2 II head.

It seems that the plate provided with the head is not compatible with Sachtlers (only) monopod (Monopod 2 CF). As I understand it, there are two head systems that you can use with this monopod, namely the Betacam version and the Sandwich Touch & Go quick release system. Unfortunately, neither of the plates provided with this monopod will accept the plate provided with the DV 2 II head.

Does anybody know a way that I can get a quick release system going between the DV 2 II head and a monopod (by any manufacture)?

All suggestions / advice welcome!


J.B. Letchinger
December 23rd, 2008, 06:05 PM
At the risk of being irrelevant because this post is 10 months late, I'd say:
just switch plates when going from tripod to monopod.
Them is the breaks. Just takes a quarter and 30-40 seconds.

(or learn to become a machinist and make your own adapters and inventions - some people do it!)


Brian Murphy
February 14th, 2009, 08:30 PM
I have two sachtlers and gave up trying to find a matching mono pod. I went and bought manfrotto quick release assemblies for all my gear. I do a lot of run and gun and use a 528B manfrotto mono pod it has a cup foot and quick release sections and the same quick release system. It is a bit ugly having a quick release on a quick release but works and is fast.

Keith Malone
February 16th, 2009, 05:19 AM
I just ended up changing to Monfrotto tripod and monopod - I wasn't interested in modifying equipment just to make up for Sachtlers inability to properly serve my particular segment of the market!

I finally have a solution I'm happy with by using Monfrotto.