View Full Version : CineForm w/ TMPGEnc Xpress 4.0?
Peter Moretti February 13th, 2008, 03:40 AM I have TMPGEnc Xpress 4.0 and it has an option to use CineForm, but when I choose it says no available license (which makes sense since I don't have CineForm). If I purchase NeoHD, will I be able to use CineForm with all its various quality settings in TMPGEnc?
Thanks as ALWAYS.
P.S. Can CineForm be installed on more than one PC, i.e. an editing pc and a more portable one for in the field HDMI capturing?
David Newman February 13th, 2008, 09:48 AM I haven't used TMPGEnc to encode to CineForm, I'm not sure what the advantage is in doing that. I'm sure sure what controls it offers. If it using the Video for Windows codec, then very likely you will get all the controls.
Most I our software supports a workstation and a laptop install automatically (two activations supported by the license server.) If it doesn't, we do it upon request.
Peter Moretti February 13th, 2008, 02:15 PM David, one advantage for me is that it can transcode in and out of DNxHD. I have Vegas but I mostly use Avid.
Stephen Armour February 13th, 2008, 03:40 PM David, a new TMPGEnc 4 update is out that apparently has conflicts with CF. Even after re-registering CF, the TMPGEnc will not recognize a CF video and crashes out.
I'll try again later when I can, and see if it's just a TMPGEnc prob. Haven't even tried regular AVI's...since we hardly use them.
Stephen Armour February 13th, 2008, 03:47 PM large CF AVI's re-wrapped as MOV's and FLV's made with CF work fine. Large CF'ed AVI's don't work with it.
Newest TMPGEnc 4.0 version update is
Dan Herrmann February 13th, 2008, 08:57 PM When I take a cineform avi and put it in this program and outout to HDV or Mpeg it does it in less than a quarter of the time of any other program that I use.
It also does a great job of transforming 60i CFHD to 24P. As good or even better than Red Giant Frames which I just tested.
I highly recomend this program for anyones tool set.
Even when I need a quick Blu-ray I use it to transform CFHD to HDVand into Nero for a quick burn and test.
\Blows a way Scenarist and encore for time. Not Quality but a great daily output set up
David Newman February 14th, 2008, 09:52 AM You should be using HDLink or the CineForm Premiere capture to remove pulldown BEFORE your edit. Removing pulldown later never as good (technical not possible to fully remove pulldown from an edited sequence.) Also the CineForm M2T from Premiere is using a license of the TMPGEnc MPEG encoder. Just a couple of pointers.
Jose Ortiz February 26th, 2008, 08:05 AM Stephen
Is not matter of the tMPGENC Exp version. I been testing old TMPG versions and avi files don't want to work either. I know some users are having old PhD build around the 145buils working perfect in new TMPGNC versions.
I hope that cineform don't forget about this issue cause I'm not a big fan of the quality of mov file on cineform.
I would like to get access to old builds since I was Aspect HD user at that time.
I sent a ticket while ago but seems that they still not finding the issue.
Stephen Armour February 26th, 2008, 12:44 PM large CF AVI's re-wrapped as MOV's and FLV's made with CF work fine. Large CF'ed AVI's don't work with it.
Newest TMPGEnc 4.0 version update is
I tried using small CF'ed AVI's and they also crashed the program. When I rewrapped the exact same file as a MOV, it loaded and processed very nicely. It even recognizes and uses .flv's that were output as full size CF AVI's, then rewrapped as MOV's and converted with Flash Encoder CS3.
Seems quite definite that it's a TMPGEnc version problem with CF AVI's. We never saw this before updating to the new TMPGEnc version and converted many times from any size of CF AVI's before this new version. I would imagine it's something as simple as TMPGEnc reading correctly the CF composed AVI headers...or was something new added David, that only TMPGEnc seems to have probs with? Seems the AVI>MOV rewrap should make it easy to hunt down?
If I get a chance, I'll try to roll back the update and see what happens.
Jose Ortiz February 26th, 2008, 02:27 PM try an older TMPGNC version and let me know the results please!
For me is not working.
Stephen Armour February 27th, 2008, 08:09 AM try an older TMPGNC version and let me know the results please!
For me is not working.
Jose, have you tried the AVI>MOV rewrap trick? If so, and it doesn't work, just try downsizing a bit, then re-try the MOV.
I'm just made a DVD from a 1920x1080p CF AVI, rewrapped as a MOV, then downscaled and mpg'ed in TMPGEnc and burned in Encore. It works, believe me. I did it that way because TMPGEnc is very fast.
CF AVI's still don't work with TMPGEnc, but I'm going to try the newest beta CF build right now and see if anything's changed with that.
Stephen Armour February 27th, 2008, 08:20 AM ...CF AVI's still don't work with TMPGEnc, but I'm going to try the newest beta CF build right now and see if anything's changed with that.
Just did that and no change. The prob is with TMPGEnc's reading of the AVI headers I think.
MOV rewraps still work fine.
Jose Ortiz February 27th, 2008, 10:12 AM Thanks Stephen
But I found that trick of converting to mov file in HD link since the begining of this issue. In fact that is the same work flow that I'm using to finish my dvd in encore. But I dont like the quality of the CF mov file vs. the CF avi.
For my dvd work flow the mov is fine cause we are compresing anyway. But ussually I remove noise with tMPGENC of all my CF HD files. Now with the mov files Im loosing some quality in my opinion.
This second method is to finish my blue-ray projects
Stephen Armour February 27th, 2008, 11:12 AM Thanks Stephen
But I found that trick of converting to mov file in HD link since the begining of this issue. In fact that is the same work flow that I'm using to finish my dvd in encore. But I dont like the quality of the CF mov file vs. the CF avi.
For my dvd work flow the mov is fine cause we are compresing anyway. But ussually I remove noise with tMPGENC of all my CF HD files. Now with the mov files Im loosing some quality in my opinion.
This second method is to finish my blue-ray projects
Now that seems really odd! Especially since the underlying compression in the MOV is EXACTLY the same! AVI and MOV are just wrappers/packaging. So it makes me wonder what else is going on.
What kind of "noise" are you seeing in your CF HD files and how does TMPGEnc "remove" it?
Jose Ortiz February 27th, 2008, 04:58 PM No
What I was saying....
My two main reasons to use tMPGENC is to remove the minimum noise from the original exported footage created by my Canon A1 on low light situations. The second is to compress Hd to a DVD and keeping an awesome quality. Is part of my work flow adopted for my final projects.
I have understood by the cineform people recommend their CF avi files over that mov file for PC users and can see why. I hate to add an extra step to my work flow and add some quality lost to my exported file since we are converting the file again.
Tony Spring February 28th, 2008, 12:59 AM I had lots of problems with HD Link freezing when converting large .m2t files to .avi, but I now use TmpegEng to convert to Cineform and it works everytime!
Stephen Armour February 28th, 2008, 03:37 PM No
What I was saying....
My two main reasons to use tMPGENC is to remove the minimum noise from the original exported footage created by my Canon A1 on low light situations. The second is to compress Hd to a DVD and keeping an awesome quality. Is part of my work flow adopted for my final projects.
I have understood by the cineform people recommend their CF avi files over that mov file for PC users and can see why. I hate to add an extra step to my work flow and add some quality lost to my exported file since we are converting the file again.
I know about the "extra step" thing and for sure that's a pain. I'm just wondering about the loss of quality business? I can't see any difference between downscaled CF AVI and the same files re-wrapped as MOVs when using TMPGEnc to convert to mpgs. Maybe we're just not looking close enough? The DVDs both look very good.
David can you weigh in on this?:
Should there be any loss or difference when re-wrapping CFed HDs from AVI to MOV, then downscaling them to mpg's for burning DVDs? What do you guys recommend here?
David Newman February 28th, 2008, 05:08 PM Rewrapping AVIs to MOVs is completely lossless, and fast. There is no quality implication.
David Newman February 28th, 2008, 05:27 PM Duplicate post removed.
Douglas Turner March 6th, 2008, 04:02 PM Premiere crashes constantly on large exports of my film when I have Colorista and Magic Bullet looks added (even though I've split my film into 5 x 17min projects).
So I export using DebugMode Frameserver, import this into TMPGEnc and export as a Cineform avi - this is the only way I can get a Cineform avi out from Premiere these days!
Also, I use TMPGEnc to convert my Cineform avis into DVDs, WMV HD, divx etc - the latest TMPGEnc crashes when I try to import any cineform avi.
Anyone else getting this? If so, it's not just me, and I need to go back to an older version, as that worked perfectly!
Re-wrapping of avi into mov does take a while with a 90 minute film - if it's just re-wrapping, why does it take so long?
Cheers, Doug.
Stephen Armour March 6th, 2008, 04:06 PM ...Re-wrapping of avi into mov does take a while with a 90 minute film - if it's just re-wrapping, why does it take so long?
Cheers, Doug.
It's very fast on our quads. Shouldn't be slow. BTW, our CF AVI's still crash in TMPGEnc...and their support dept wants an AVI to test.
Yeah right! Sure! I always upload 1920x1080p AVI's via the net...
Paolo Brambilla March 15th, 2008, 03:11 AM Build 159 is now working fine with TMPGenc on my XP64...
Stephen Armour March 15th, 2008, 05:47 PM I know this sounds completely crazy, but with the Build 159, TMPGenc suddenly accepts large CF'ed AVI's and is pegging the quad at 100% CPU use on a test MP2 run!
This is on a 32bit XP system. Haven't tested it on x64 yet.
No other changes to anything, except the latest MS updates.
Hmmmm, David, sounds like you guys found something important out...
David Newman March 15th, 2008, 06:00 PM I love this to be true, but we can't take any credit for intentionally fixing it. We fixed a bunch of things in 158 & 159, but we hadn't gotten around to checking out TMPGenc. If all is fine, your findings have saved us that effort.
Jose Ortiz March 17th, 2008, 10:04 AM Thanks
I will also confirm tonight this. Wow finally! Great news!
Jose Ortiz March 18th, 2008, 05:51 AM Thanks
I will also confirm tonight this. Wow finally! Great news!
yes now we are back to normal...!