View Full Version : Some basic Cineform questions...

Paul Cascio
February 12th, 2008, 08:54 AM
I have NEO HDV and use OnLocation to record and Vegas 8 as my primary editor. I also want to use Adobe Ultra and After Effects occasionally.

1. Once I convert files with NEO, are they usable in Ultra, AE and other programs or just Vegas? Any special setting you would recommend?

2. It seems my files disapear when I convert? Any idea where they might be? I assume they have an .avi extension, correct?

3. Assuming they're avi files, can any video player play them or do I need to use the NEO player download?


David Newman
February 12th, 2008, 10:18 AM
.1. Once I convert files with NEO, are they usable in Ultra, AE and other programs or just Vegas? Any special setting you would recommend?

CineForm files are optimized to work in Vegas, AE and Premiere, with wide support for any PC tools that uses Video for Window (i.e. most.)

2. It seems my files disapear when I convert? Any idea where they might be? I assume they have an .avi extension, correct?

They should appear in the sample diectory unless you have specified otherwise (in the Prefs window.)

3. Assuming they're avi files, can any video player play them or do I need to use the NEO player download?

NEO "Player" is only the decoder which you already have. The AVIs play in nearly every media player. Media Player Classic is a good choice.

Paul Cascio
February 12th, 2008, 10:49 AM
Thanks David. As always, the prompt and curteous customer service you and your company provide is second to none.

A few more followup questions, if you don't mind:

Is the Cineform file created by Neo different than those created by Aspect?

For chromakeying, do you recommend I use the progressive conversion option, or whouldn't it matter? Any downside to converting to proggrssive?

David Newman
February 12th, 2008, 11:04 AM
NEO HDV and Aspect HD have the same codec.

If you source is progressive use the progressive encoding option. If you want to de-interlace 60i/50i material to make progressive, there is some resolution loss, so that will depend on you project. Generally keying should not be de-interlaced, that operation can occur after the composite.