View Full Version : smallest tripod for miller fluid head??

Anthony Sharpe
February 10th, 2008, 05:38 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am heading over to Borneo in April to do some filming with the Orangutans at "Camp Leaky". I will be using the Sony Z1. I have a miller tripod with a DS 10 fluid head. Does anyone know what the smallest tripod that I could use to hook up to this head? Are there any after-market tripods that would fit? (that might be a bit cheaper than some of the miller tripods). I am on a bit of a budget, so I am trying to get around spending the big bucks on the tripod.

Also thanks everyone for all the great tips on traveling and shooting. This site has been an invaluable source for my preparation.



Chris Soucy
February 10th, 2008, 05:55 PM
What do you mean by "smallest" exactly?

Do you mean "shortest" or "lightest" or.........?

What needs to be different to the Miller you already own?


Anthony Sharpe
February 11th, 2008, 05:23 AM
Hi Chris,

My current tripod is quite a large and heavy (for hiking anyway).
So I am looking for a small tripod, reasonably short upon fold down and light would be a bonus (but secondary to size). I have even seen some of those cheapy tripods that would be perfect size wise except that they have a crappy head that doesnt give a smooth pan.

So I just need a tripod that I can put on my backpack and hike around the jungles and that will give a reasonable quality pan shot.
I thought that it might be cheaper if I could hook it up with my current fluid head. But if there is something else out there that would do the job, Id be happy to go that way.

I am not neccesarily after the best thing out, but it needs to be able to do give me a good shot. (theres nothing worse than a pan that is jerky).

Price wise Id love to be able to get out at around $250 - $300 US. (300 - $350 AUS). Second hand is cool too. I dont want to sound like a tight arse wanting the world for nothing, but I thought it would be worth throwing the question out there.

thanks for your time...


Chris Soucy
February 11th, 2008, 03:10 PM
Hmm, well, seems that just about any of the smaller 75 mm bowl sticks by Manfrotto, Vinten, Libec, Gitzo etc would just about do the job and take your existing head.

Best suggestion I can make is to check e - bay and see what's on offer, you never know, you might snare a set of Miller Solo's S/H cheap (I said "might").


Anthony Sharpe
February 12th, 2008, 01:46 AM
thanks chris.

I will keep an eye out for the millers and look for 75 mm bowls!!



Bill Ward
February 14th, 2008, 09:39 PM
Look in the Gitzo catalog...there is a model or two that collapses to 24 inches. With the carbon fiber legs, very lightweight!