View Full Version : HDV render in premiere

Ivo van Aart
February 10th, 2008, 04:36 AM

I'm sorry if there are plenty of threads on this subject, I couldn't find any.

If I edit M2t (from a xh a1) in adobe premiere pro cs3, I mostly have to render before playback or else it will be quite stuttering. What I was wondering: when premiere generates those preview files while rendering, does it affect the quality in the final render? In other words: if you render to much inside premiere, does the footage loose quality?

Many thanks,

Ivo van Aart

K.C. Luke
February 10th, 2008, 09:12 AM
Once is render it will not render again. The render preview files will store when you set your scratch disk folder. It will never drop or loose quality. See the attch pic the circle , try click on that off. It can preview without render. I used do not render preview "Take times". My Quad DELL can playback without render.