View Full Version : Checklist available ?

Daan van Bergen
February 10th, 2008, 03:16 AM

In my new XH-A1 are so many new adjustments.... Great to play with but if you are on a serious shooting you don't want to forget one specific button..

Is there a checklist (with for example a flowsheet) to check all the settings ean do'n forget anything ?


Josh Chesarek
February 10th, 2008, 09:03 AM
I wrote up a little thing on a 3*5 Card that I keep in my bag and when I am unloading my stuff it reminds me.

Gain, Exposure, Focus, White Balance, Sound.

I ended up setting up a custom display that only showed these things so I can make sure they are all lined up. Gain might not be to big if you never change it but I film in all kinds of conditions which require me to boost the gain some times. It sucks If I film in day light for a sporting event @ 3DB gain because I had to use that for a night game before and I forgot to change it back. I must admit that once I cleared the screen of clutter I have yet to forget.

James R. Leong
February 14th, 2008, 04:40 AM
found this XH-A1 checklist, from Queen's University Film Course:

( although AUTO mode may not be that desirable!)