Jeremiah McLamb
February 9th, 2008, 09:36 PM
alright...tell me what you think... good and bad... i can take it..(the good that is...don't take the bad so well..but give it to me anyway)
this is my first attempt at a wedding trailer...
Bill Grant
February 9th, 2008, 10:17 PM
Hey Jeremiah,
I don't think I've seen anything like this before. This is like one of those jewelry commercials. You know where they show just a bunch of beautiful stuff in a row. I thought the exposure, colors, etc. were great. I love the control of lighting and the framing. I wasn't sure where we were going while watching. I expect a trailer to tell a mini story of the day. This was much more like a commercial for the wedding. I think it was great, and I know they're going to love it. Just an interesting new angle. Good stuff.
Jeremiah McLamb
February 11th, 2008, 01:52 PM
yeah..this was a different wedding for me because they didn't have all the traditional aspects of the wedding day...their reception was mainly some finger foods and they cut some cake...nothing i didn't have much to work with..just the time they were taking their pictures...but i thought that it still looked good :o)
Ethan Cooper
February 11th, 2008, 02:03 PM
Well done all the way around. Placing them by that window and shooting from the balcony was genius.
It always helps the feel of a video when the couple is good together. I've had a rash of very nervous couples lately and it always shows in the footage... those two were very comfortable with one another and it jumped off the screen. I have couple envy.
Good job.
Was that all handheld? The only complaint I would have is that the moves sometimes were a little bumpy. Smoother camera moves would have given it just a bit more polish, but otherwise it was just about perfect in feel and function.
Matt Trubac
February 11th, 2008, 04:03 PM
Nice job. The colors, exposure, and composition were great. I didn't think that the camera moves were bad. I liked them.
The biggest thing I would change is the sideways camera shots. It was nice the first time, but overused for my taste.
I looked at your clip again, and at first I thought it looked like you were turning the camera on it's side. Looking at the clip again I don't think so. It is the shot of the bride and groom kissing with the grooms head looking straight down and the bride looking straight up. It was a nice shot, I just felt like I saw it too many times. Just wanted to clarify.
Overall it was great and the couple will love it!
Jeremiah McLamb
February 12th, 2008, 02:17 PM
thanks guys..
...yeah it was all handheld...thats why its a little bumpy...don't have the funds yet to buy a glidecam..
...yeah..i felt that that one shot of them kissing was used to much...but...geez...they look so in love I had to keep using it :o)
thanks again!