View Full Version : 4:3 safe in 16:9

Leslie Wand
February 9th, 2008, 02:01 AM
am shooting a series of short info tapes for a client who's been very specific with his requirements: he wants 16:9 but shot for 4:3 release. i have the 4:3 guides turned on, but i presume i'm seeing the whole frame, ie, no safe area for overscan?

would you advise also turning on the safe area markers for top and bottom of frame and guessing side?


Agatha Graselia
February 9th, 2008, 08:52 AM
I also would like to know the answer. :)

Normally, our team do 16:9 shooting, all the way to finish.
While authoring, we choose 4:3 by choose letter box (75%, top/bottom cut).
We keep all files in 16:9 in case in future the customer want to author in 16:9 for their new TV (which eventually will be 16:9 LCD).
Who knows the technology can up-scale our SD-PAL to 1080i in better way.

So far all in SD, and we still struggling to adopt HDV (1080/50i).


Leslie Wand
February 16th, 2008, 05:38 AM

would really appreciate other opinions on this.
