View Full Version : Suggestions for these studio layouts

Lloyd Claycomb
February 8th, 2008, 07:08 PM

I have asked this question before, but now I have pictures to go along with it. This is for a studio setup where one adult is reading and telling stories to 2 kids.

I'd like some input what you guys see as workable. I will be running two cameras. Which of the 3 works best? I'm open to something completely different too. I know these are VERRRRY rough, but this is more for layout positioning than anything else. I will work on fine tuning it once I get the conceptual design settled.

I have three conceptual layouts numbered 1, 2, 3. Please keep in mind I did these camera shots in 15 mins with absolutely NO REGARD to aesthetic centering, cleaning, moving of things that won't be in the shots, exercise equipment, actual camera locations, lighting, furnishings, etc. etc. etc.... This is to simply provide a quick layout of the space and the conceptual positioning ideas and positioning.

The pics labeled "room dynamics" is just to get you an overall view of the room size and area to work with for equipment setup. Also, the wide-angle lens really distorts the true dimensions (20X18) , so please overlook that and all the above.

Here are the pictures: