View Full Version : Another approach to selective focus on ProHD (theoretical!)

Sean Adair
February 8th, 2008, 12:47 PM
I just read a press release about a new version of the lensbaby coming out for the PL mount.

Cool! I thought. Tap that on an HZ-CA13U, and it could do some real neat things.

But the gears started grinding. Of course this item started as a still camera accessory, and I've seen articles about them before. They are 50mm lenses, but are optically constructed to have LESS depth of field, and that DOF can be selectively modified for an angled plane of view (ala lens tilt systems).

Hehe. How about this tricky beast on a Zoerk adapter (or similar), for the express purpose of selective focus shots, and circumventing the size of chip issue? Of course the effect will be weaker than on a 35mm imager, but from descriptions I read, the maximum settings are very strong.
<you may have to cut and paste above 2 lines to see this link>

The point would be to achieve that selective attention on particular shots. I'm sure this lens will have some imperfections for many applications. But I like that it would be Sooo compact. Ted Ramasola - eat your heart out! I'm too old for 31" long heavy monsters!

What thinkest thou, o great community of JVC HD?

Eric Gulbransen
February 8th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Similar minds think alike Sean. There's also perspective that gets effected as well as focal plane. It's very interesting and worth investigating I think. By the way I'm in your corner on the rocket launcher approach to DOF as well. I've had a Brevis here for months, yet only set it up for use once. All set up the rig is retarded long. I'd feel like Godzilla knocking buildings over handling it. Also, when I consider the twenty inches worth of Alice in Wonderland madness your image has to endure to get through the hoop, I cringe. Cinevate's been promising a relay lens for, well, it was to be ready for purchase end of summer 07. My Brevis went up for sale two days ago. Never been used. I wish I knew someone who had a tilt system for Nikon to try. I only know a Canon pro who has one.

Sean Adair
February 8th, 2008, 02:09 PM
Right. Perspective/practicality is killer, since otherwise we'd just use telephoto lenses. But It flattens everything, and often there just isn't room in interiors.
50mm is longish, but workable on the JVC. There is also a wide angle adapter, and also some wild iris shapes as accessories.
$ 269.95 at B&H