Lonnie Bell
February 7th, 2008, 10:47 PM
A question for those in the Cineform know...
It's my understanding that Cineform is now compatible (still in Beta form?) with the Mac Pro and FCP6, but how is it working with Apple's other PRO APPS such as - Motion3, Compressor, DVD Studio Pro, and Shake 4.1?
And can you roundtrip within the apps as well?
...And if they aren't up to speed yet, are there intentions of getting the other Apple Pro Apps up and compatible with Cineform like the Adobe gear is (like PPcs3 and AEcs3)???
Thanks in advance,
A question for those in the Cineform know...
It's my understanding that Cineform is now compatible (still in Beta form?) with the Mac Pro and FCP6, but how is it working with Apple's other PRO APPS such as - Motion3, Compressor, DVD Studio Pro, and Shake 4.1?
And can you roundtrip within the apps as well?
...And if they aren't up to speed yet, are there intentions of getting the other Apple Pro Apps up and compatible with Cineform like the Adobe gear is (like PPcs3 and AEcs3)???
Thanks in advance,