View Full Version : pclix or TC-80N3

Sandy Watt
February 7th, 2008, 04:25 PM
hello all,
im looking to get into doing some timelapse and i was all set on the pclix but then read the canon TC-80N3 remote is good for it. anyone have any advice for which to go for? the canon i think offers other functions i would use, is more portable and probably cheaper, but is it as good as the pclix for TL (my #1 priority). Just so you know what ill be using it for- i want mainly to do timelapse of flamingos at lake bogoria but want to try things like sunrises and night scenes with the moon.
any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated,

Yeo Wee Han
February 7th, 2008, 06:34 PM

The TC-80N3 is perfect and does everything that you will want for a time lapse. What you need is something that allows you to set intervals and number of frames (you can bypass that for the TC-80N3) and the TC-80N3 allows all these and more.



Bob Thompson
February 7th, 2008, 07:05 PM
I think both may have similar features but the Pclix has infrared and cables for different camera manufactures. Could be useful in case you move to Nikon at any stage.

The Pclix does need 2 3A batteries but so far I have not needed to replace them and it operated down to at least -10C. As it is manufactured in Canada I would expect it to be able to operate at even lower temperatures.

The manufacturer says it should run 1 month before changing bateries

Yeo Wee Han
February 8th, 2008, 07:24 AM
The TC-80N3 can run for 3 years on a battery. I have left it running for weeks before realising that I forgot to stop it. Then again, there is OFF button so the display is always on.



Sandy Watt
February 8th, 2008, 01:31 PM
thanks for the input guys think my minds made up to go for the canon, hopefully will have something to post from my efforts soon!,