View Full Version : A1 good enough for broadcast?

Ger Griffin
February 7th, 2008, 04:19 PM
hey guys,
I posted on another thread but was probably too long winded in my question.
So here is the short version!

Is the A1 good enough to produce a music video for pal SD television networks?

I hope so :)

Trish Kerr
February 7th, 2008, 04:27 PM
I'd say it should be more than fine - you're going from HDV down to SD anyway. This is assuming you are going to shoot in HDV and downconvert later. (I wouldn't get an A1 to shoot SD with)


Bill Pryor
February 7th, 2008, 04:27 PM
I've seen XH A1 footage, converted to SD, projected in theaters on screens up to 38 feet, and it looked very good. As long as your production values are good, the image should be fine.

Ger Griffin
February 7th, 2008, 04:55 PM
yea Trish my plan is to shoot in HDV mode.

Would i need a good intermediate codec like cineform for outputting the project or could I get away without it?

Bill, I have recently added a merlin to my arsenal so looking forward to sinking my teeth in to this.

I want to do some green screen work too. whats the general consensus regarding keying, 50i or 25p or does it make a difference?

Benjamin Hill
February 7th, 2008, 08:45 PM
I'd say it should be more than fine - you're going from HDV down to SD anyway. This is assuming you are going to shoot in HDV and downconvert later. (I wouldn't get an A1 to shoot SD with)


Actually that's exactly what I did, I got an A1 for my side gigs and most of the people that hire me want DVD or Beta anyway. Great SD camera if you ask me, but I digress...

I agree with Bill, the A1 is good enough for music videos and your production values will really make the difference.

Bill Watson
February 8th, 2008, 12:50 AM
As a side project I've been using my A1 to shoot footage for one of my local TV networks.

Works fine. They're more than happy.

They've just started to broadcast some programs in HD so we'll see how the A1 performs in that format shortly.

I assume you'll be supplying the footage on tape in AVI format?

Kaku Ito
February 8th, 2008, 02:58 AM
NHK, one of the early developer/adopter of high resolution broadcast, told production companies last year that HDV is the least quality they can call HD broadcast material and bought bunch of G1s for their handheld use.

Josh Chesarek
February 8th, 2008, 05:55 AM
I have had my A1 footage broadcasted twice for sporting events in SD for local news and once for National College Sports TV Cable Channel. Have yet to try HD on TV yet though. My two venues were probably the most forgiving possible but the people I talked to said the footage looked great and were actually surprised to see this quality out of a "consumer camera."

Ger Griffin
February 8th, 2008, 09:01 AM
Im not really sure Bill what my exact route needs to be to present this
video in its finished article.
I assume beta. Is there any other format they are accepting these days?
The main thing I needed to know right now guys is that my A1 is good enough for shooting the job
and that 50i hdv is the way to go?

Brian Brown
February 8th, 2008, 02:10 PM
YMMV, but my local cable concern initially wanted my 30 second commercial spots on BetaSP. But I deliver them on DVD-R instead (both as DVD-spec mpeg2 files and DV AVIs). If they want to put my digital productions into their analog system, they'll have to tackle the D/A conversion, black levels, audio, etc.. And they tout themselves as an all digital network, hmm.

I do make sure that video levels are legal and that my audio conforms to a no hotter than 3db above tone. I compress and limit audio fairly carefully. Black, slate, bars, 2-pop, etc. They haven't complained about what I've given them yet. Downconverting HDV XH-A1 footage to SD (in post) makes for great broadcast-quality video, IMHO. I've never tried to submit an HD spot, though.

If you're going to key footage, definitely shoot progressive. Interlacing can be real rough on your keyer and lead to unnecessary artifacts.

Brian Brown
BrownCow Productions

Ger Griffin
February 10th, 2008, 11:20 AM
Thanks Brian, that has helped a lot.

Great so guys, Ill fire ahead confident in the abilities of our trusty machine!