View Full Version : Raw files to Data DVD

Craig Hollenback
February 7th, 2008, 05:26 AM
I will be new to the EX1 next week when mine arrives.
I have a question regarding how to convey the raw files to a German client for their edit. Can I simply transfer the raw clips to a Data DVD such as a dual layer 8GB data DVD?
When I order cards, will I be better off with multiple 8GB cards as opposed to 16GB cards? The reason I ask is...If were to shoot a 60minute continuous speech on one 16 GB card would it net one 16GB file as opposed to 2 8GB cards that would presumably have two files each file then fitting onto an 8GB dual layer DVD?
I appreciate the feedback as I will be ordering the camera/cards tomorrow (Friday) from B&H.
Best, Craig

Craig Seeman
February 7th, 2008, 05:32 AM
The cards are formated FAT32. That means individual files are no more than 4GB each. Metadata in the files handle the crossover for continuous recording larger than that or for recording that continues from one card to the next.

The Sony ClipBrowser includes a split function so you can split a larger card into smaller targets (16GB to 2 8GB for example).

You can back these up to DL DVD. Just to be clear you are NOT simply backing up the clips. You're backing up the entire folder structure with clips and metadata.