View Full Version : Strange distortions and motion artifacts on screen

Peter Newsom
February 6th, 2008, 08:29 AM
Hi, I am running FCP 6.02 on a MacBookPro, 17", with GForce 8600GT video card. I using a Lacie 7200rpm drive with Firewire 800.

When playing back from the timeline(XDCamHD 35mbs 60I) I notice a lot of random linear horizontal distortions(sort of looks like a drop out, or a ripple) on screen. If I bounce the footage back to XDCam Disk it plays fine out of the camera on a regular CRT monitor. Is this a problem due to the video card? I noticed the same thing when I hooked my laptop up to a 23" Cinema display. Is there a good solution to this probem, ie a better card, etc.?

Also, I find that some on screen motion looks rough(people walking through the shot, etc.), as though the video was progressive even though I shoot and edit in 60I. Again, it looks properly interlaced back out of the camera.

I am new to editing, and any help would be appreciated.


Aric Mannion
February 6th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Make sure in the timeline "RT" drop down menu everything is set to safe and dynamic. Even still you will notice that the picture can vary a bit, and look a little different than on your monitor. But that is why you are supposed to be looking at your monitor.
The warped line in your picture sounds like something my HDV footage does when I watch it in FCP. I can't even think about it until I see it on a monitor. Also you can't always trust your uncompressed quicktime renders from final cut. On some computers I've seen a FCP QT playback perfect, then on others it looked awful. Your final version is what matters.

Peter Newsom
February 7th, 2008, 07:06 AM
Thanks Aric,

I would like to be able to see a representative image while I edit, so what do I need to do that? Would a firewire device such as the AJA Hilo and a broadcast monitor allow realtime viewing?
