View Full Version : LP Micro Mini-Review

Taky Cheung
February 5th, 2008, 08:21 PM
Just received my LP Micro ordered from DVeStore (Thanks Todd). My first impression is "woow, it's flimsy"

The item arrived in the box already broke apart. I have to snap everything back in place. The entire piece is all plastic. It feels cheap until I install 4 AA batteries in. With the extra weight, it feels a little bit solid.

It comes with 3 laminiated filters, the difussion filter, full color correction and 1/4 color correction. The front panel is the filter holder. Again, the holder comes out easily. It also won't hold the filter in place tight. When I flip the holder up, the filter slide out to the back without any force. It looks like a design flaw to me. I'm sure I will be losing the filter soon together with the filter holder broken.

Now the battery compartment. You would think that should be the least problematic area since battery compartment is in every electronic devices. The way it designed, the metal contact acts like a spring that push the battery out. So closing the back panel will force the battery back to good contact. However, while testing the LP micro on tripod, it goes out by itself. I have to press the back panel to push the battery back in place.

I also wish it comes with a carrying case. Since the entire item is so fragile, I need to find something to hold it in place during transport.

Now the good side, it's really bright. The dimmer is very useful in different scenerio. It also looks very cool when mounted on top of the camcorder.

Although the review sounds negative, I'm already liking the LP Micro. I will need to contact DVeStore for a replacement since the battery compartment issue makes my LP Micro unusable.