View Full Version : A1 and HV20 and Tapes

Lloyd Claycomb
February 4th, 2008, 06:58 PM
I just got my HV20 for my A1 "deck." I only use the Panasonic AY-DVM63AMQ in my A1 (63 Minute Mini DV Advanced Master Quality Videocassette).

As mentioned, I will be using my HV20 mostly as a deck, and occasionally as a family/home-video camera. Since I will be using the AMQ tapes on playback in the HV20, would I be smart to just use AMQ tapes in the HV20 for the "homevideo" things, or would it be okay to use the Panasonic AY-DVM63PQ or even something else (Sony, or whatever).

Are the AMQ tapes major overkill for the HV20? (this is what I think). Do I need to worry about the HV20 heads and mixing tapes on it like I would my A1? Should I at least keep it in the Panasonic family, or can I use any old tape I get my hands on for the Hv20?

Don Palomaki
February 5th, 2008, 07:50 AM
Are the AMQ tapes major overkill for the HV20? (this is what I think).

If they are not overkill for the A1, they are not overkill for the HV20. They might be overkill for a given shoot if it is not very important to you, but that is your decision. Keep in mind that tape, any tape, is cheap compared to the cost of the event, especially if it is a once in a lifetime event. And you save money buying tape in larger quantities, not one or two at a time.

General wisdom is to stick with one type of tape that you have found works well for you, or change very often. Most problems seem to come from switching tape after a long and steady diet of one type of tape. And head cleaning is your friend.