View Full Version : REQ: Picture Profile for Matching FX7 and VX2100

Phil Green
February 4th, 2008, 03:20 PM
Hi Folks

First post here so please go gentle on me,

I was wondering if anyone who has both can recommend a suitable picture profile setting for the FX7 to match up with the VX2100

At the moment it seems as though the FX7 has less colour and white balance seems difference. I have tried changing the colour on FX7 to 1 and 2, and even 3, not too sure if 3 is kinda too much sat on there, I think I need to shift the wb on the FX7 to a + number but not sure which too use.

I am asking this to make it easier to match up footage from the 2 cameras in multi-cam shoots.


Leslie Wand
February 4th, 2008, 07:24 PM
good luck!

not quite the same - v1p + pd170. heck of a job matching them. manual white balance then cc in vegas afterwards. noticeable difference in picture quality. reckon 170 for cu, v1 for wide.....
