View Full Version : Lite Panel Micro

Don Bloom
February 3rd, 2008, 06:55 PM
OK, 1st about the lit panel micro. It's awesome. While I haven't yet done a real job with it I have run tape using it and it will become and already is my light of choice for any number of reasons. Light weight, nice coverage, the filters, powered off of AA batteries. Did I mention light weight?;-)

Ok so you ask, well how do you know it's any good until I shoot a job? Well sometimes its a feel thing and like I said I ran some tape in my family room which right now is about as dark as a wedding reception and while I won't know 110% right now I'm about 98% that the light will do the job really nicely.

BTW, a giant KUDOS to DvCreators - I ordered the light on Friday and I got it TODAY via USPS Express mail. All I can say is WOW! What AWESOME service.
Thanks to DvCreators!
Anyway so far I think the lite panel micro is going to be a winner for me at least.
Oh yeah, one more thing. IF you decide to get one don't be shocked by the plastic contruction (that's how they keep it light weight). While it's plastic, it seems to be well put together.
Anyway just my observations while watching the Super Bowl and playing with my newest toy.


Jon Omiatek
February 4th, 2008, 12:25 PM
Would the light be comparable to a 10 or 20 watt light? We use the sony 10/20 watt lights.

Don Bloom
February 4th, 2008, 01:40 PM
Hi Jon,
Well in doing a completely unscientific test against my AB light with a 35W bulb and a softbox on it, I'm going to guess and call the micro equal to about a 20to 25W bulb with the diffusion filter that comes with it. In my "tests" I felt the light is a bit to cool so I threw the 1/4 warming filter that also comes with the light on it, and feel that it throws a nicer warmer light but seems to knock it down a tiny bit. I'll still call it a 20W.
On another note I had some 2500MaH rechargeables laying around put a full charge on them and finally turned the light off at 4 hours. I figured that 4 hours is enough for me and it seemed to be running full power when I shut it down. Saves a lot of batteries and money that way.
Hope that helps,

Steve Sobodos
February 7th, 2008, 10:11 PM
Jon, I did a wall test and the LP-Micro with the CTO 3/4 is close in intensity to the Sony single 10 watt bulb with the diffusion at 6 foot away. Without the CTO it is much brighter but very blue. The pattern is not even close even with the included diffuser (see my other thread). The Sony HVL-20DW2 with the Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce ( has a much wider pattern. The downside of the Sony over the LP-Micro is weight with batteries.