Marko Grady
February 3rd, 2008, 02:37 PM
Hi Im looking for software that I can run on my laptop that will allow me to record direct to disk in HDV. I have some software from sony called dvgate but does not understand HDV although it does understand DV. The only that understands HDV because i got the XML file is Premiere but that is on my PC.
What programs are there prefreably free/ relatively cheap that you can set up and just record what is from filmed from the camera.
Lloyd Claycomb
February 3rd, 2008, 09:48 PM
I know that many people are having great success with Adobe OnLocation. I have it on my desktop and it's awesome, but I cannot get it to work on my Vista laptop (a question that I have posted on this site... Hoping to get figured out soon.)
Terry Martin
February 3rd, 2008, 10:56 PM
Try HDVSplit, it works (only HDV) and is free.
Alan Ortiz
February 3rd, 2008, 11:11 PM
im not sure if this is the same as HDVsplit, but DVHScap will also allow you to record straight to disk .m2t files and has bare bones controls for capture. If you have final cut pro on a mac you can log and capture directly from the firewire port.
Annie Haycock
February 4th, 2008, 09:56 AM
I've been recording direct to a laptop in HD using Premiere Elements 4, no problems once I disabled the auto-power off on the camera. Note that there is a time lag of several seconds if you use PE4 to switch the record button - I don't know if other programs are the same.