David Watkins
February 3rd, 2008, 11:12 AM
Haven't tried this before but I want to shoot an atmospheric big-sky landscape in black and white in film effect using a Canon xl1s
Should I shoot with the camera set at 16:9 or configure it to 16:9 when I edit it?
Should I adjust ( increase ) the sharpness as a custom preset on the camera
as well as using a higher f stop ( light may not be good )
Any suggestions for filter/s to increase contrast
Austen Mathieson
February 3rd, 2008, 11:43 AM
I would say never shoot in black and white. retain all info and desaturate in post.
It depends what look you want as to sharpness. If you want a film look you want less sharpness not more.
I shoot in 16:9, but some people say not to because you lose 20% (for example) or pixel info BUT BUT BUT if you shoot in 4:3 and crop it to 16:9 in post you still lose (crop) 20%. So Easier to just shoot in 16:9.
I like to slightly overexpose clouds as it gives a nice deep contrast when correcting gamma/curves/brightness etc. NEVER shoot anything too dark under any circumstances.
Waldemar Winkler
February 3rd, 2008, 05:54 PM
Every time I have shot in 16x9 mode with my XL1s the images always look soft, ever so slightly out of focus. It is really annoying when I want tack sharp images. Maybe it is me, but I have stopped shooting in 16x9.
Has anyone had similar experiences with focus?
Austen Mathieson
February 4th, 2008, 11:33 AM
Hi, Here's a link to a couple of my vids shot on xl1s, two music videos, DARK ENTRIES in 4:3 and FOUND in 16:9, FOUND sharpness fully off or full softness in 16:9 which, yes, does slightly soften the image also but you can see the image isn't too soft, somtimes I add blur to close ups to get even softer images.
The short film SERENDIPITY was NOT shot on xl1s, it was old crappy vhs or something. Ignore that one.
David Watkins
February 6th, 2008, 03:29 AM
Thanks for the advice guys, think I'll shoot as normal and have a play when editing,