View Full Version : Sandisk Solid State 16 GB

Edwin Beeler
February 2nd, 2008, 06:26 PM
Maybe this is interesting:
In Switzerland a store is offering - original advertisement:
"SxS Express Card 16.0 GB for XDCAM EX entpricht SxS PRO von SONY (SBP-16)" at a prize of CHF 859.90, thats about 790 $ or 534 Euro....
A lot cheaper than the sony one's, but they declare: "for XDCAM EX"...

Ben Freedman
February 2nd, 2008, 07:57 PM

B&H's price on the 16GB is $870, so it's not ALL that much cheaper. I'm not sure I'd risk going 'non-Sony' for the sake of $90.

...then again, if I were buying 10 of them, maybe it'd make a difference.

