View Full Version : Chris Soucy's Vinten FiberTec video tripod review posted

Chris Hurd
February 1st, 2008, 04:17 PM
See these pages:

Discuss here.

Chris Soucy
February 3rd, 2008, 04:21 PM
The company which supplied the FiberTecs for this review had the content of said review pointed out to them over the weekend.

My in - box this morning contained the comment (from Protel) "awesome review and the first of it's kind they'd ever seen" (very nice!)

It also contained this: "Vinten have chosen to discontinue them (the FiberTecs)".

Kiss of death, or just incredibly bad timing?

Hmm, what do I dislike so much it's worth a review then?

If you want a set of these humungous sticks, better get 'em while they're hot, 'cos once they're gone, they're gone.


PS. Have just fired steaming letter to Vinten infoming them of my opinion they are suffering some form of collective insanity. I haven't given up just yet.

Andy Wilkinson
February 4th, 2008, 05:26 PM
Hey Chris, I just LOVED your "about the author" bit at the end...laughed out loud more than once!..great review too!