View Full Version : Odd render issue in Vegas 6

Bill Mecca
January 31st, 2008, 07:59 PM
I'm using Vegas 6. I have created some screen captures using Camstudio and using the Camstudio lossless codec. They were captured at 800x600. When I render out as a wmv (9) 360x240 its fine. If I try 640x480 the screen renders black, not completely black, some of the icons are sort of visible but completely unusuable. If I render out as mp2 (mainconceptcodec) at 720x480 same thing, black.

Any ideas? I had this in a timeline with some DV footage, rendered out a test, the dv footage rendered fine, but the screen captures didn't.

Bill Mecca
February 3rd, 2008, 06:52 PM
nothin huh?

tried importing into Avid XppressPro 4.6 , it tells me it is an audiofile with alpha information I got the choice of RT matte or av media, I chose the latter and got audio but the clip is completely white. guess it's back to the drawing board with this one.

Bill Mecca
February 4th, 2008, 10:05 AM
Interesting development. I have the original files on another computer. Just tried playing them, only get audio in Media Player. but I have another file that has no audio, the other settings are the same, and the video plays in Media Player.

the audio is 16 bit PCM, 1411kbps video is 30 fps, 780kbps 32bit and the camcodec.

so the video turns black upon render of those with the audio. I haven't tried the one without as I am at work, I am importing the avi without sound and it appears to be working so... the audio is having some odd effect on the video??? Or maybe I messed somethign up in the capture process? arrgghh!

Bill Mecca
February 4th, 2008, 09:27 PM
now that my eyes are bleary I have found a workaround. Its an alpha channel issue, not sure why but it is. I import into After Effects, ignore the alpha channel and all seems good. I'll have to recompress, but I won't have to re-create the screen captures, not that I see any settings in CamStudio related to alpha.

It's open source, so I guess ya get what ya pay fer. :lol:

I've only been playing with Vegas for a little while, anyone know how to ignore the alpha channel on a clip? that would save me from an extra step or three.