View Full Version : A Season in Hell complete

Alessandro Nucci
January 30th, 2008, 04:32 PM
months ago I wrote here about my video for Médicine Sans Frontière... now I have finished it, and you can watch it on my website It has subtitles.

Hope you find it interesting and well made.

Made with Canon XH-A1, HDV 25F. It has been downconverted to DVD and DV/Betacam SP. This H264 clip has been made directly from a AppleProRes intermediate of the HD edit.


Jim Miller
January 30th, 2008, 08:52 PM
The title says it all! Very nice camera work but disturbing images. It's sad to see these conditions and sad that so many people turn a blind eye to these conditions. Perhaps your video will help in some way.

Mike Andrade
January 30th, 2008, 10:23 PM
Such a sad story to be set in such a beautiful place. Nice work. Its really a shame that things like this still exist in such a beautiful country. Very nice colors as well, what preset/settings did you use?

Steve Kachocki
February 3rd, 2008, 11:05 PM
You can make almost the same video if you take the Interstate-80 heading west until you reach the I-5 in Sacramento, California. Then take the I-5 south until you reach the town of San Joaquin or Mendota, or Huron or any other farm town in the Central Valley. They even grow tomatoes there. But if I were there with my A1 I would set my preset to the Bleach Bypass and document the expanse of cotton fields and workers in San Joaquin. Something about the defoliated cotton plants against the clear blue sky just suggests to me Bleach Bypass to bring out the bleakness of the scene.

It is a shame these conditions exist anywhere. This is a sad fact of farming every where. Everyone wants to pay bargain prices for produce, which translates to low pay and substandard living conditions for the workers who farm the fields.

Nice work. Let's hope it makes a difference.

Tony Ferguson
February 10th, 2008, 03:20 PM
Alessandro, (looks great I am download hell right now)

Do you mean 24f--I wasn't aware the xh a1 did 25?


Alessandro Nucci
February 14th, 2008, 06:00 AM
Alessandro, (looks great I am download hell right now)

Do you mean 24f--I wasn't aware the xh a1 did 25?


The European XH-A1 does only 50i and 25F. But like the American version, it can be modified to accept also 60i/24F/30F.
