View Full Version : HV20 Playback Problem...Need suggestions

Jonathan Schwartz
January 30th, 2008, 01:34 AM
Here is the scenerio...

I have HV20 and Xh-A1. Got the HV20 as playback deck for A1. I record in 30f on the XH-A1 and have not had any problems until recently using the HV20 to playback. I am using Panasonic AMQ60 tapes. I am using FCP Studio.

When I go to capture my SD footage from other cameras (Panasonic DVC30) I have no problems, all captures are successful without dropouts. However, when I put in footage recorded on the XH-A1 I get dropouts every 2-3 seconds continuously. When I put the tape in the A1, it plays fine and imports from the XH-A1 without any problems.

I thought my settings were the culprit but the settings did not change and the footage imported with XH-A1. Is the 30f causing a problem? It had not done so in the past. Could the heads have a problem? The last shoot I did with the HV-20 the footage was useless because it recorded dropouts every 2 or 3 seconds. Nothing consistent though, just random enough not to be a pattern.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Right now I am afraid to use my HV-20 to film anything and with the capture problem it is making owning this camera almost pointless. Thank you for your help or suggestions.

Jonathan Schwartz
Owner, CA Video Productions

Mike Teutsch
January 30th, 2008, 08:20 AM
Try cleaning the HV20 really well.


Jonathan Schwartz
January 30th, 2008, 10:46 AM

I have run a Sony tape cleaner everytime I have this problem. Still will not play A1 tapes.


Mike Teutsch
January 30th, 2008, 10:54 AM
Try recording and playing back with the HV20. If you don't have any trouble there, then you might have an alignment problem with one of the cameras. If that is the case, try playing tapes recorded in each camera in another camera to see which one is most likely out of alignment.

Good Luck----Mike